Get Involved


You can suggest research and joint projects ; e.g., if you are doing a futures research project in your area and would like to have global futures input, or you think of a global assessment of some future issue that has never been studied before, or you are creating some new future-oriented adventure and see potential synergies with The Millennium Project, send us an email.


You can write articles for the general public using the State of the Future as a source of ideas to help public understanding of the challenges we face around the world. If you do, send us an electronic copy to be posted in our press room.


You can apply to become a Reviewer for one or more of the 15 Global Challenges or the Futures Research Methodology 3.0 that is being updated over the next year to 4.0. Send your resume or bio.


You can translate the Executive Summary of the State of the Future editions of your choice that are not in your language.


You can contact your local universities to explore using the annual State of the Future report in global issues or futures-related courses and Futures Research Methodology Version 3.0 and/or FUTURES in courses on research methods and futures courses. If you are a teacher or professor and want to integrate these materials in your classes, please contact Jerome Glenn.


You can ask to be added to The Millennium Project’s Listserv — millproj.


You can add your updates and improvements to the short versions of the 15 Global Challenges.


You can suggest a new way to participate in The Millennium Project. Email suggestion(s) to Jerome Glenn.


You can suggest additional futures research methods to our current list.


You can donate to The Millennium Project — as a non-profit tax exempt organization.


You can contact the Chair of a Millennium Project Node in your area of the world.


You can apply to be an Intern with The Millennium Project.


You can volunteer. Let us know what you would like to do. Send an us an email.