World Futures Day 2023 Global futures agenda
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 28 October 2024
- futures, Italy Node, publication, the millennium project, world futures day
A new publication titled “World Futures Day 2023 Global Futures Agenda by The Millennium Project,” authored by Mara Di Berardo, Communications Director and Italy Node Co-Chair of The Millennium Project, has been published in Futures and will be included in the upcoming December 2024 issue (Volume 164, Article 103485).
This paper examines the outcomes of the tenth anniversary of World Futures Day (WFD), a 24-hour global participatory event organized by The Millennium Project on March 1 in collaboration with Association of Professional Futurists (APF), Humanity+, Lifeboat Foundation, World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), and World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF).
Abstract: World Futures Day (WFD), the 24 h round-the-world participatory method hosted every year by The Millennium Project and others on March 1, stimulates conversations and collective intelligence on possible futures. The 2023 edition marked its tenth anniversary. The 2023 Global futures agenda coming out from the data analysis is composed of four main clusters, each listing future oriented topics and related contents. Cluster 1, Complex solutions for complex problems, includes topics such as Environmental regeneration, Predictable food systems, Energy transition, Homo Galaxia, and Synergetic relations for peace. Cluster 2, A hyper-technological humanity, includes topics such as A biological revolution, New definitions of truth, An emotional AGI, A conscious AGI, and AGI governance. Cluster 3, Education and learning for a better future, includes topics such as Intelligent agent teachers, Intergenerational storytelling, and A cultural shift to self-actualization. Cluster 4, Improving global foresight, includes topics such as Futurists as a contradiction, A new leadership agenda, Futures shapers, The power of stories, Judging trillions of scenarios, Committees and summits for the future. After discussing some changes in the contents addressed over the years and some potential next steps for the research on WFD, the conclusions report that one key takeaway from WFD 2023 is that we have a vital need for pragmatic hope.
The paper will be available for free for 50 days (Dec. 17, 2024) at the following link: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1j-xb_NmknuKe
- References: Di Berardo, M. (2024). World Futures Day 2023 Global futures agenda by The Millennium Project. Futures (Volume 164, 2024, 103485). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2024.103485