Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence – Paris, June 27, 2023
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 23 June 2023
- artificial intelligence, Creativity, France Node, Virtual reality
Virtual reality and generative artificial intelligences represent exceptional creative tools in our personal and professional lives. To harness the potential of these new technologies, it is necessary to better understand them, especially their connection with psychology.
The France Node of The Millennium Project, hosted by the Prospective Foresight Network, invites you to discover their research on Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence on June 27, 2023, in Paris, during the conference on “Créativité, Travail et Nouvelles Technologies: de la théorie à la pratique”, organized by Tomorrow Teory and Foundation Université Paris Cité.
Saphia Richou, Chair of the France Node of The Millennium Project and researcher at LAREQUOI, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, and Todd Lubart, Co-Chair of the France Node and expert in creativity and Lecturer Samira Bourgeois-Bourgine of the Laboratory of Applied Psychology and Ergonomics (LaPEA), will present the results of their experimental workshops on “Virtual Reality. Virtual reality being a new tool for anticipation“.
Their experimental workshops took place at at LaPea within the The university in 2040 project and brought together around forty students. These early experiments revealed that the immersive environment and the use of avatars facilitate teamwork and inspire participants to engage quikly in generating new and original ideas. Further experiments are planned and will hopefully confirm these results.
The detailed program of the event can be found at https://fondation-uparis.org/events/creativite-travail-et-nouvelles-technologies/
For more information about the research design and results, contact the France Node of The Millennium Project.