Usos de futuros en Latam – November 25, 2021
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 24 November 2021
- education, futures literacy, learning, literacy, RIBER
On November 25, 2021, at 6,00 pm (GTM -3), Rosa Alegria (Brazil MP Node), Miguel Angel Gutierrez (Argentina MP Node), Francisco José Mojica (Colombia MP Node), and Fernando Ortega (Peru MP Node), together with other experts of futures studies, will join the “Usos de Futuros en Latam: Diálogos entre prospectivistas” round table, taking place online. The event is in Spanish.
The objective of the round table is to establish an exchange between Latin American experts of futures studies based on two main questions: How to enhance interrelationships, knowledge exchange and joint activities that connect the Global Futures Literacy Network with the America Latina communities that are committed to the exploration and improvement of human anticipation activities ?, and, in doing so, how to contribute to the dissemination of the importance of Future Literacy as a key skill for the 21st century?
The activity is organized by the Universidad National De Cuyo and by the UNESCO chair on “Anticipatión Sociocultural y Resiliencia” and it is part of the “Multiforo de Alfabetización en Futuros Latinoamerica y Caribe“.
The event is free but registration is needed: https://t.co/gZyvRg4xwp?amp=1.