Date of launch: 2019
Institution hosting the Costa Rica Node: Ministerio de Planificación Nacional y Política Económica (MIDEPLAN)
Costa Rica Node Chair: Carlos Alonso von Marschall Murillo, Prospective Analysis and Public Policy Unit of MIDEPLAN
Objectives: Spread long-term thinking through the design, formulation and execution of public policies, plans, programs and prospective projects and support for the activities proposed by the Millennium Project and the Iberomarican Prospective Network (RIBER).
Recent activities: Some recent activities include the following:
- Professional training (Master’s Degree in Master in Strategic Thinking and Prospective of the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica – 1° promotion).
- Training in Strategic Prospective Planning for institutions of the National Planning System of Costa Rica and non-state institutions.
- Prospective studies and guidelines for prospective instruction in the general population.
- Publications: “Lineamientos para incorporar la Planificación Prospectiva Estratégica en el Sistema Nacional de Planificación (SNP)“, “Prospectiva y Politica Publica“.
Node members:
- Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social (CCSS)
- Nidia Bautista Argueta
- Marianela Murillo Mata
- Laura Villarreal Fuentes
- Luis Diego Sandoval Salas
- Caja de Ande Seguros
- Marcela Chinchilla Hidalgo
- Coalición Costarricense de Iniciativas de Desarrollo (CINDE)
- Gloriana Lang Clachar
- Nancy Vega
- Paola Bulgarelli B
- Escuela Andaluza de Económica Social
- Dalia Borge
- Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje (INA)
- Vanessa Salguero Soto
- Max Paniagua Sánchez
- Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA) – Escuela de Planificación y Promoción Social
- José Ángel Castro Granad
- Juan Carlos Mora Montero
- Ángel Ortega Ortega
- Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED)
- Ana Lorena Gamboa
- Carol González Villarreal
- Rosberly Rojas Campos
- Ministerio de Planificación Nacional y Política Económica (MIDEPLAN)
- Ana Catalina Gutiérrez Berrocal
- José Hernaldo Araya Gutiérrez
- Luis Diego Romero Araya
- Stephanie Araya Jiménez