The Millennium Project on the latest Human Futures – March 2022
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 7 April 2022
- Brazil Node, human futures, Kenya Node, world futures studies federation
The new issue of Human Futures, the World Futures Studies Federation magazine, is out.
Among the various interesting contents of this April issue, contributions from The Millennium Project team have been also published.

Rosa Alegria, Brazil Node, illustrates concept and research about “Transetarian Revolution. The Strenght of Intergenerational Futures”, a phenomena of the transitory world (…) that emerges from the construction of identities no longer fits into the age groups categorized by demographic studies”.
In the Book Review section, Leopold P. Mureithi, Kenia Node, discuss about “Sustainability and Engineering Futures“, and William Halal, MP Senior Associate, about “Beyond Knowledge: How Technology is driving an age of Consciousness” in literature.