Suggestions for the UN Summit for the Future
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 31 July 2023
- artificial intelligence, environment and health, governance, our common futures, peace and security, summit for the future, transnational organized crime, UN office of existential threats, united nations
Futurists contact your Ministry of Foreign Affairs!
There will be a Ministerial Meeting for the UN Summit for the Future September 18th this year for input planning for the following year’s Summit on the Future 2024.
The Millennium Project suggests that Futurists in each country contact their Ministry of Foreign Affairs and find out their country’s position on the UN Summit for the Future in 2024. Futurists should share their views about what might added to the agenda for the Ministerial Meeting this September. Some examples of ideas to consider suggesting to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ agenda are:
Future Issues in Digital Transformation:
- UN Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Agency maybe co-chaired by US and China
- Governance issues in future transition from artificial narrow intelligence to artificial general intelligence (AGI) (see updates on The Millennium Project study)
- Transition from zero-sum geopolitical competition to synergic relations (contact us for a synergy matrix example)
- Global Collective Intelligence System on the Future for the UNSG’s Office (maybe part of the UN Futures Lab)
- US-China Climate Change Goal with R&D&D program to achieve it that others can join
- Salt water agriculture: rain does not matter, conserves fresh water, carbon sink, new source of protein and biofuel, economic growth in poor areas
- Scale-up production of pure meat cell-based to save water, land, energy, pharmaceuticals, localization saving energy travel.
Transnational Organized Crime Global Strategy
- Transnational organized crime added to ICC’s crimes against humanity; bank transfer software upgraded to identify largest crime accounts; arrest and prosecution international cooperation prioritized by money (not by crimes or countries), ICC-deputized courts to prosecute selected lottery system; frozen assets to fund the system.
UN Office of Existential Threats
- Special unit to identify what is known, not known, what should be known and research needed to close the gap to add to the global foresight/risk reports.