State of the Future — Version 20.0

  • Publisher: The Millennium Project
  • Language: English, Arabic
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-9882639-6-3

Executive Summary

The State of the Future 20.0 is a 500-page whopper with a unique and extensive overview of Future Issues & Opportunities compiled by The Millennium Project.

It provides a broad, detailed, and readable look at the issues and opportunities on the future of humanity, and what we should know today to avoid the worst and achieve the best for the future of civilization. The Millennium Project, a global participatory think-tank, distilled countless research reports, insights from hundreds of futurists and related experts around the world, and 70 of its own futures research reports, to make this report of immense value. It offers an Executive Summary on the prospects for civilization.

The Executive Summary offers an overview of the entire book, representing a short report card on the future of humanity as a whole.

Part 1 summarizes the 15 Global Challenges on sustainable development and climate change, water, population and resources, democratization, foresight and decision-making, ICT and AI for all, rich-poor gap, health and disease, education and learning, war and peace, changing roles of women, organized crime, energy, science and technology, and global ethics. Each topic includes a brief overview, a list of actions, along with their regional considerations.

Part 2, State of the Future Index 2035, integrates 29 variables to show if the future is getting better or worse, and where we are winning and losing.

Part 3, Governing the Transition from Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), distills insights from 55 of the world’s leading AGI experts on 22 questions on the future of AGI. Drawing on these insights, it identifies 40 national and international regulations and 5 governance models that are assessed by an international 299-member panel.

Part 4, Beneficial AGI Competition, discusses the world of 2045, its issues and opportunities, offering a scenario about a day in 2045 and how AGI could greatly improve life in that day.

Part 5, Five UN Foresight Elements of Our Common Agenda, provides an international assessment of the five foresight elements of the UN Secretary-General’s Our Common Agenda report to make the UN more relevant to the future.

Part 6, World Futures Day, synthesizes the 11th Annual World Futures Day – the 24-hour, around-the-world open discussion on the future, with trend and pattern analysis from previous World Futures Days.

Part 7, Robots 2050, illustrates the future possibilities of AI robots in governments, in daily life, in bed, in the oceans, and in space.

The Conclusions offer some policy recommendations and actions to address the challenges and issues discussed in the report.

The State of the Future 20.0 is one of the largest, broadest, most detailed publications on future issues and possibilities written. It covers what the globally-minded citizen should know about the future and decision-making today.

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