Speculative Pasts & Futures – New Game
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 28 January 2024
- cards, game, Greece Node, Scenarios, speculative futures
Designed by the Greece Node of The Millennium Project, the Speculative Pasts & Futures game is an exploratory tool designed to engage participants in the process of re-envisioning the present and future by contemplating alternative historical narratives.
In this interactive game, participants are presented with short scenarios describing ‘alternative pasts’ — hypothetical variations of critical historical events or social movements, or instances where dominant perceptions of past events differ markedly from our known history.
These alternative pasts serve as the foundation for participants to creatively reconstruct their understanding of the current world and project into potential futures. The “game” not only stimulates imagination but also challenges participants to consider how different historical trajectories could have shaped our present and could pave the way for diverse futures. SPF’s can serve as a powerful tool for expanding our conceptual understanding, exploring our anticipatory assumptions and their role in colonizing futures imagination.
The first edition is available to download and test for free: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377589882_Speculative_Pasts_and_Futures_Global_Edition