- Publisher: Franz Tamayo University — UNIFRANZ
- Publishing date: September 2023
- Language: Spanish
- ISBN-13: 978-9917-9703-0-9

Latin America 2050
The Mexico and Bolivia Nodes of The Millennium Project recently launched a new book titled “Latin America by 2050: Challenges, Scenarios, and Actions” (Latinoamérica 2050: Retos, escenarios y acciones) during the Futures Week event. The coordinators and main authors are Concepción Olavarrieta, Chair of the Mexico Node, along with Guillermo Gándara and Jorge Máttar, both members of the Mexico Node.
The book involves contributions from 25 Latin American futurists representing ten countries. Based on The Millennium Project’s 15 Global Challenges and their holistic implications, these futurists provide a detailed analysis of major threats and opportunities facing Latin America, assuming current trends continue.
The book is structured into two main parts. The first part features individual analyses by the authors, outlining current trends and offering optimistic visions and recommendations for positive change. In the second part, the authors propose three distinct scenarios to encourage readers to explore various future possibilities for the region. This section concludes with practical suggestions and guidelines for immediate actions in public and private policy aimed at securing the most favorable future.
“Latin America 2050” results from a collaborative effort led by RIBER, the regional Node of The Millennium Project. It is promoted and coordinated by the Mexico Node and published by the Bolivia Node, chaired by Verónica Agreda, Rector of Universidad UNIFRANZ. The project also received support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
The methodology outlined in this book is suitable for adaptation and replication in other regions globally and serves as an excellent educational resource for professors. Currently published in Spanish, the authors are working on an English-language edition.
For more information, please contact the Mexico and Bolivia Nodes.
Available as a downloadable PDF in Spanish only