Prospectiva del siglo XXI – training course, Jan. 15-19, 2024
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 8 December 2023
- course, foresight, megatrends, Strategic foresight, training
Our Chile Node Chair, Héctor Casanueva, is coordinating and organizing an online training course on “Prospectiva del siglo XXI: Megatendencias y escenarios futuros” on from January 15, 2024 to January 19, 2024 for the Instituto de Estudios Internacionales.
Foresights on the 21st century show that the world is experiencing macro-transitions that will affect the future: geopolitical, ecological, technological, digital, energy, economic. COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and Artificial Intelligence, war in Russia and Gaza, along with other crises and geopolitical confrontations, accelerate these processes and increase levels of uncertainty.
In this context, the essential task for all actors, public and private, is to generate social, environmental and economically sustainable development, as proposed by the 17 SDGs of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. The proposals coming from the UN SG “Our Common Agenda”, the 15 global challenges by the Millennium Project, and the upcoming 2024 Future Summit, demand a response to these challenges from multilateralism, international relations, and foreign policy. The new society that is going to emerge is not completely defined yet but we must build it based on trends, emerging realities, and possible future scenarios.
Main objectives of the course are:
- Understanding mega-trends and new globalization in its different dimensions and areas, its political, economic and social effects, the consequences for the multilateral system, international relations, and foreign policy.
- Discovering foundations and basic components of Strategic Foresight, which allows to design current national, local or international public policies for anticipatory governance.
The course is organized in collaboration with the Chilean Council for Prospective and Strategy, The Millennium Project Global Futures Studies & Research, and RIBER Ibero-American Prospective Network.
For more information, visit https://iei.uchile.cl/cursos/180778/prospectiva-del-siglo-xxi-megatendencias-y-escenarios-futuros-