Prospectiva del Siglo XXI – Seminar on April 18, 2023
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 13 April 2023
- america latina, europe, megatrends, prospectiva, seminar
On April 18, 2023, the Casa Amèrica Catalunya will host a seminar on “Prospectiva del siglo XXI: megatendencias y Desafíos del futuro, visiones desde Europa y América Latina” in Barcelona.
Speakers for the event are, among others, Ibon Zugasti, Spain, RIBER, and FEN Nodes, and Héctor Casanueva, Chile Node, discussing how to understand megatrends and the new globalization and to build futures from Strategic Foresight, following the main contents of their latest publication. The event will be in Spanish.
For more information about the event, please visit http://www.proyectomilenio.org/
Read more about the publication by Héctor Casanueva, “Prospectiva del siglo XXI: Entender las mega-tendencias y la nueva globalización, para construir futuros desde la Prospectiva Estratégica”.
The youtube streaming will be available at the following link: