2021 Press Releases

December 30, 2021 Spain, Diario Estrategia, “A horcajadas en el metaverso” by Casanueva, H. (Chile Node Chair).

December 15, 2021, 4CF The Futures Literacy Company, “Annual Meeting of The Millenium Project Planning Committee“, blog post by our Poland Node.

November 25, 2021, Greece: Greek City Times, “7 Megatrends that will impact Greece, according to UNESCO Chair on Futures Research“, interview to Epaminondas Christofilopoulos (Greece Node) with references to the MP study about Work/Tech 2050 and to the proposal for a UN Office of Strategic Threats.

November 15, 2021 Spain, by Casanueva, H. (Chile Node Chair), “An insufficient agreement, when we need existential decisions” (press release).

November 9, 2021 Buenos Aires, Argentina, Los Andes. “El futuro: ¿solución o problema?”, by Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez (Argentina Node).

November 5, 2021 Knowledge Management (KMWorld), “The Way of the Scenario” by Art Murray about the Millennium Proejct’s COVID-19 USA Scenarios.

November 3, 2021 Kathmandu, Nepal Khabarhub, “US and China should forge collaboration on environmental security and fight global warming.”

October 26-29, 2021, video speech, World Futures Studies Federation Conference, Jerome Glenn, Why we have to start working on AGI Governance Now; panel on “Anticipatory Governance“, with Epaminondas Christophilopoulos (Greek Node); panel Dreams and disruptions: A foresight Game, with Shermon Cruz (Philippines Node); José Luis Cordeiro (Venezuela Node), The Singularity is Near! Is it?; panel Misterious Faces of Hybridisation. Case: Anticipatory Hybrid Governance (AHG), with Sirkka Heinonen (Finland node); Seminar about “Eleonora Barbieri Masini seminar “Futures Sisters”, h 7.00 pm – 8.50 pm CET (online), chaired by Rosa Alegria (Brazil Node), with the participation of some of our node chairs, such as Geci Karuri-Sebina (South Africa Node). Watch her pre-recorded video and registration;Rosa Alegria (Brazil Chair), Transetarian evolution: Intergenerational Futures for post-covid times; Shermon Cruz and Lizan E. Perante-Calina (Philippines node), A window into the Futures of the Philippines.

October 9, 2021, Revista de Prospectiva y Estrategia Nº63, septiembre 2021, by the Chilean Council of Foresight and Strategy (Chile Node) with news article by Héctor Casanueva and “El riesgo de extinción humana, la ONU y el sistema international”.

October 8, 2021, video speech, TransVision Future Summit, “The Future of Humanity in 2050“, speech by Jerome C. Glenn (YouTube video).

September, 2021, Publication/Report, “The Foresight Europe Network: bringing futures/foresight people together. The Foresight Europe Network: bringing futures/ foresight people together”, by Mara Di Berardo (Italy Node), Nicolas Balcom Raleigh, Epaminondas Christofilopoulos (Greece Node), DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27648.35849.

September, 2021, Journal of Futures Studies, 26(1): 83–90, “Special Relativity Theory Expands the Futures Cone’s Conceptualisation of the Futures and The Pasts” by Epaminondas Christophilopoulos (Greece and FEN Nodes).

September 27, 2021, El Mostrador, “Nuestra agenda común”: la propuesta del secretario general de la ONU sobre el riesgo existencial de la humanidad” by Casanueva (Chile Node Chair).

September 21, 2021 Italy, Futura Network, “Un Ufficio delle Nazioni unite per prevenire l’estinzione dell’umanità” by Di Berardo (Italy Node Co-Chair).

September 12, 2021 Santiago, Chile by El Mostrador “Two hundred world leaders call for a new UN office to coordinate the prevention of human extinction”.

September 9, 2021, Diario Estrategia, “200 world leaders call for a new UN office to coordinate global research to prevent human extinction” by Casanueva (Chile Node).

September 9, 2021, Human Futures, World Futures Studies Federation magazine, articles by Jerome C. Glenn, “Why we have to start working on AGI Governance now”, and by Mara Di Berardo (MP Italy node), Nicolas A. Balcom Raleigh, and Epaminondas Christophilopoulos (MP Greek Node), “Foresight Europe Network: a place for bringing people together”.

September 8, 2021 Washington, DC AP News, “Open Letter to the UN Secretary General for a UN Office on Strategic Threats“.

September 8, 2021 Washington, DC The Millennium Project Press Release, “200 World leaders call for a new UN office to coordinate global research to prevent human extinction”.

July 4, 2021 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Los Andes. “Why we should incorporate the future into official curriculum“, by Miguel Gutierrez, Chair of the Argentina Node of The Millennium Project.

June 27, 2021, Santiago, Chile, Elm Strator, G-7 Mooring by Héctor Casanueva, Chair of The Millennium Project Node in Chile.

June 16, 2021: Pew Research Center, “Hopes about developments in ethical AI” with quotes by Jerome Glenn, Paul Epping (Dubai Node), Ibon Zugasti (Spain Node), and Concepcion Olavarrieta (Mexico Node).

May, 2021, New publication, “Tripping Points on the Roads to Outwit Terror,” by Yair Sharan (Israel Node), Ted Gordon (MP Co-Founder and Senior Fellow), and Elizabeth Florescu (MP Director of Research), Springer Ed., DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-72571-6.

March 14, 2021, Foresight Talk video interview with Jerome C. Glann and Blaz Golob (South East European Node), “The Millennium Project“.

March 14, 2021, Foresight Talk video interview with Ibon Zugasti (Spain Node) and Blaz Golob (South East European Node), “The future of work and technology 2050“.

March 12, 2021, TechCast / Cognis Strategic Forum, “Foresight Lessons From the Pandemic: Implications for Strategy Formulation and Response” by Jerome C. Glenn, in the Coping with Pandemics: Three Scenarios with Guides to Survival session.

March 1, 2021, Future Pod, Australia,”EP 82: Thinking Together in an Organised Way – Jerome Glenn“.

February 25, 2021 Digital Journal, World Futures Day launch.

February 4, 2021. Rome. Public Hearings of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Committee on Employment, Mara Di Berardo, “Work/Tech 2050 recommendation and suggestion of a national foresight agency” (video 1h 39′ into the video and related text questions 2h 13′): https://webtv.camera.it/evento/17517; read the written statement by Di Berardo and Di Zio (Italy Node).

January 21, 2021, Association of Professional Futurists, “APF to join 24-hour round-the-world conversation on world Future Day“.

January 11, 2021, Futura Network, “High-Level Futures Literacy: le persone e le comunità possono diventare più “alfabetizzate” sul futuro”, by Mara Di Berardo (Italy Node).



For interviews, please write to The Millennium Project.

For press releases and publications, please write to Mara DiBerardo at The Millennium Project.


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