December 30, 2015: Quand l’homme et la technologie ne feront qu’un, Courrier international — no 1311 du 17 décembre 2015 au 6 janvier 2016; interview with Jerome Glenn on the challenges triggered by new S&T
December 23, 2015: AI development, will surpass Moore’s Law, Korea Economic Magazine, Hankyung Business; interview with Jerome Glenn
December 16, 2015: L’avenir de la France, une perspective mondiale, by Jerome Glenn and Vincent Champain; Opinions Tribunes, La Tribune (in French)
December 12, 2015: 2015-2016 State of the Future, A publication of The Millennium Project; book review by Dr Stanley Rosen, the Association of Strategic Planners
December 10, 2015: Book Reviews: The State of the Future 2015-16, by Linda MacDonald Glenn; Humanity+
November 17, 2015: The Future Is Better than Ever—Or Worse than Ever; review of the 2015-16 State of the Future in Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy, by Ethan Goffman. “The various elements and connections [among the global challenges] are impossible to map with complete accuracy, but it might be possible to come gradually closer. In that regard, State of the Future is a nice start and a useful guide.”
November 11, 2015: “Towards the Singularity: The Future of Technology and the Technology of the Future” — lecture and panel discussion held by the Montenegro Node of The Millennium Project with Jose Cordeiro, Milan Maric, Dr. Srdjan Kadic, Milovan Radulovic, with an opening by Professor Radmila Vojvodic, Rector of the University of Montenegro. Date: November 11, 2015; place: Conference Hall of the University of Montenegro
November 3, 2015: 2015-16 State of the Future, by Jerome C. Glenn, Elizabeth Florescu and the Millennium Project Team Reviewe by A. Edward Elmendorf, former president and CEO, UNA-USA; past president, UNA-NCA
October 31, 2015 — Press Release: The Millennium Project Approaches Its 20th Anniversary Improving Thinking about the Future around the World and Implications for Today. The Millennium Project has built the foundations for a truly global participatory think tank that has included over 4,000 thought leaders, futurists, scholars, and planners in its research.
October 21, 2015 — Press Release: Global Scenarios and National Workshops to Address Future Work/Technology Dynamics are being scheduled by The Millennium Project. The Millennium Project is writing alternative global scenarios based on the international study “Future Work/Technology 2050” as input to national planning workshops around the world.
October 5, 2015 — China should address problems with eye on future: think tank, by HUA SHENGDUN, China Daily USA; interview with Jerome C. Glenn, CEO of The Millennium Project
October 7, 2015 — Lone wolf terrorism: White House Chronicle; interview with Ted Gordon on the Lone Wolf threats and the book Lone Wolf Terrorism Prospects and Potential Strategies to Address the Threat
October 2, 2015 — Launch of the 2015-16 State of the Future, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C.– video of the entire meeting available.
September 30, 2015 — Press Release: October 2, 2015 the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, D.C. will launch The Millennium Project’s “2015-16 State of the Future”; A coherent and integrated overview of our global situation and prospects for the future systematized by The Millennium Project with foresight from futurists, business planners, government strategists, NGO leaders, and academics.
September 21, 2015 — Una mirada al mundo del futuro; Entrevista a Jerome C. Glenn, fundador y Presidente de The Millennium Project; Foreign Affairs Latinoamerica (Spanish)
September 2, 2015 — 2015-16 State of the Future’s Special Focus on Work, review of the 2015-16 State of the Future; Foresight Signals, Volume 1, Number 21 | September 2, 2015
September 1, 2015 — Struggling for Coordination on Global Challenges, article about the 2015-16 State of the Future; by Callie Plapinger,
August 15, 2015 — El Estado del Futuro; La mitad del mundo es vulnerable a la inestabilidad social y violencia — article by Jose Luis Cordeiro, EL UNIVERSAL, Venezuela
August 7, 2015 — On the whole, humanity’s situation is getting better – but not fast enough;; article on the 2015-16 State of the Future; by Anna Childs, Academic Director for International Development at The Open University
August 3, 2015 — Kurtzweil, Accelerating Intelligence News: Millennium Project releases ’2015–16 State of the Future’ report
August 3, 2015 — Press Release: The Millennium Project’s newly-released “2015-16 State of the Future” Confirms that the World is Winning More than Losing, but Where it is Losing is Very Serious. The Millennium Project has organized foresight from futurists, business planners, government strategists, NGO leaders, and university professors into to an integrated overview of our global situation and prospects for the future.Also featured by Indaily in Korea. See Chinese translation of the press release.
August 2, 2015 — “Terminator versus Wall-E” By Jorge Elías, El Intern: Portal de Analisis Internacional
August 1, 2015 — 2015-16 State of the Future — Media Advisory
July 31, 2015 — Press Release: Millennium Project Futurists from Asia, Europe, North America, and Latin America, Shared Insights to Build a Better Future. The annual Millennium Project meeting created new collaborations among think tank projects on future work/technology scenarios, state of the future indexes, countering lone wolf terrorists and 15 global challenges.
July 13, 2015 — The 2015-16 State of the Future is a compelling overview of humanity’s present situation, challenges and opportunities, potentials for the future — Korea Indaily
July 7, 2015 — Press Release: Lone Wolf Terrorism Prospects, a new book by a Millennium Project Team, Assesses the Likelihood and Strategies to Address this New Security Phenomenon. The “Lone Wolf Terrorism Prospects” assesses the likelihood of increasing severity of lone wolf attacks, the role of new technologies, and the potential implications for security and civil liberties, worldwide.
June 30, 2015 — Press Release: The Millennium Project’s “2015-16 State of the Future” report on the Prospects of the Global Outlook. A broad and detailed overview of the global challenges and strategies to be released July 31st; pre-publication copies will be available to the press and reviewers, upon request.
May 28, 2015 — Press Release: The Nature of Work will Change or the World Faces Massive Unemployment by 2050, outlines a new Study by The Millennium Project.
April 23, 2015 — Press Release: Will Future Technology Create More Jobs Than It Replaces? The Millennium Project Launches Future Work/Technology 2050: A Global Project on Scenarios and Strategies to Address Future Dynamics of Work and Technology
March 19, 2015 — Press Release: The Millennium Project Opens a New Node in Sofia, Bulgaria, as part of its Worldwide Futurist Network. The President of the Bulgarian Academy of Science and the CEO of The Millennium Project signed a Memorandum of Understanding establishing the Bulgarian Node of The Millennium Project
February 14, 2015 — El futuro de Iberoamérica; Riber nace con el apoyo de los nodos iberoamericanos del Millennium Project article by Jose Luis Cordeiro published in EL UNIVERSAL, with the occasion of the first General Assembly of RIBER, the first Ibero-American futurist organization.
February 13, 2015 – coverage of the visit to Bulgaria of Jerome C. Glenn, CEO of The Millennium Project and signing of the MOU establishing the Bulgarian Node. Interview: Over 50% of the world’s people are geniuses in 2050 World; famous futurologist Jerome Glenn with See other media coverage here.
February 12, 2015 – Meeting: The role of new technologies in predicting trends and strategic planning (in Polish), Poland National Security Bureau note summarizing the visit of Jerome C. Glenn, CEO of The Millennium Project and Norbert Kolos, managing partner of 4CF, Chair of the Polish Node to the National Intelligence Bureau of the Office of the President of Poland.
February 11 , 2015 – Press Release: “Pakistan Foresight Initiative” Launched by AGAHI, Pakistan Node of The Millennium Project The Millennium Project and AGAHI sign a MOU, collaborating on Global Futures Studies and Research and specific applications for Pakistan.
January 20, 2015 – Press Release: The “Global Shifts” released by the WEF’s Global Strategic Foresight Community includes the Age of Conscious-Technology, by Millennium Project CEO, as part of a series of papers by forward-looking thought leaders about significant changes to the global future.
January 9, 2015 – Latin America in 2030 to be Discussed at the First RIBER Gathering by High Level Politicians and Millennium Project Futurists; RIBER, the first Ibero-American futurist organization will gather in Santo Domingo to envision the future of the region in 2030.