2009 Press Releases

November 18, 2009 Google Headquarters Jerome Glenn’s talk on the 2009 State of the Future as part of Google’s author’s series is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFlkaRMCqlg

November 16, 2009 1 IMMERSE IN THE FUTURE: A Global Arts-Media Node, Future Global Node for the Arts, Media, and Entertainment exploratory session Los Angeles to 375 creative TV, movie, writers, and others in the media arts and entertainment fields in Los Angeles talk by Jerome Glenn in six parts:

October 26, 2009, ABC.AZ (Azerbaijan Business Center) A unique education project for universities launched in Azerbaijan, announcing the “Azerbaijan Foresight” online course

September 7, 2009, El Universal: ¿Hacia dónde va la humanidad? article by José Luis Cordeiro on the the 2009 State of the Future (in Spanish)

September 1, 2009, Coast to Coast radio interview with Jerome Glenn (see on YouTube “State of the Future” beginning 25% into part 2 through part 12)

August 19, 2009, Gimcheon, South Korea: Opening of the Climate Change Situation Room

August 16, 2009, Vanguard: Technology will aid current global challenges — Accenture mentions the 2009 State of the Future

August 14, 2009, DiePresse: Interview: “Diese Welt kann funktionieren” (“This world can function”)interview with Jerome Glenn, while at the Salzburg Trilog, Austria (article in German)

August 14, 2009, European launch of the 2009 State of the Future, Trilogue Salzburg, co-hosted by the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs and the Bertelsmann Stiftung in cooperation with the German Node of the Millennium Project, Sheraton Salzburg Hotel

August 12, 2009, En 2009: mailler Prospective et Créativité pour mieux appréhender l’avenir, Interview de Saphia Richou, Chair of The Millennium Project French Node

August 9, 2009, EnergyRefuge.com: Humanity needs to grow up, says report article on the 2009 State of the Future

August 6, 2009, EU-Digest: 2009 State of the Future: Millennium Project Reports environmental disaster if no corrective action is undertaken article on the 2009 State of the Future

August 4, 2009, Reuters: Millennium Project Report Issued on the Future of the World, article on the 2009 State of the Future

August 4, 2009, Press Release for the 2009 State of the Future

August 4, 2009, North America launch of the 2009 State of the Future, Singularity University, NASA Ames Research Center

August 2, 2009, Sunday Herald: The seven terrors of the world, article on the 2009 State of the Future

July 13, 2009, Spiegel Online: Forscher listen wichtigste Weltprobleme auf article (in German) on the upcoming 2009 State of the Future

July 12, 2009, The Independent: “The planet’s future….'”article on the upcoming 2009 State of the Future

April 2009, RAI Television, Interview of Jerome Glenn by Di Pasquale (RAI journalist) on Focus Next (International RAI Television in the Italian language)

February/March 2009. The editorial is based on the study “A Study of the Use of the Delphi Method, A Futures Research Technique for Forecasting Secelcted U.S. Economic Variables and Determining Rationales for Judgemnets” available at www.soa.org/delphi-study. Millennium Project co-founder, Thodore Gordon, was the principal consultant in the study.

February/March 2009, Back to the Futurism , by Stevan W. Easson, appeared in The Actuary magazine

February 3, 2009, La Crisis ¿Un espacio de oportunidad?, article by Miguel Angel Gutiérrez, Director of the Latin American Center of Prospective Globalización and Chair of the Argentine Node of the Millennium Project (article in Spanish)

January 7, 2009, Declaration on Energy and Nanotechnology, presented at the World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations” held in October 2008, in Rhodes, Greece.

January 5, 2009, Future prospects for our global challenges and futures research methodologies for the UN, presentation by Jerome C. Glenn, Director of Millennium Project; organized by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs and WFUNA; held Jenuary 15, 2009, at the UN, New York, Conference Room 6, 1:15 PM – 2:45 PM.

January 2, 2009, Hope in the State of the Future, Review of the 2008 State of the Future in The Futurist, January-February 2009 Vol. 43, No. 1

January 2009, 2008 State of the Future listed top in the TOP TEN 2008 der Zukunftsliteratur by pro ZUKUNFT, Austria (article in German)



For interviews, please write to The Millennium Project.

For press releases and publications, please write to Mara DiBerardo at The Millennium Project.


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