Steroids are just the beginning: Interview with Jerome Glenn by “The Hour” of the Canadian Broadcast TV on the possibilities of human enhancement, its probabilities, timing, and ethical implications.
Tech Museum Awards; Global Awards Program Recognizes Those Who Use Technology to Benefit Humanity: The concept for The Tech Awards and its five categories was inspired in part by The American Council for the United Nations University’s State of the Future report, which recommends that award recognition is an effective way to accelerate scientific breakthroughs and technological applications to improve the human condition. The Tech Awards were inaugurated in 2001, and have since generated over 2,000 nominations across 80 countries.
November 29, 2004: Toxic Substances. Questionnaire Seeks More Views on Problems Related to Military’s Use of Nanotechnologies. Article appeared in Daily Environment (No. 228 Monday, November 29, 2004. News, Page A-7. ISSN 1521-9402) at the launch of the second round of Millennium Project’s study to identify and rate important forms of nanotechnology-related environmental pollution and health hazards that could result from military activity, and to suggest military research that might reduce these problems.
October 22, 2004: Foresight Institute to Focus on Millennium Challenges Nanotechnology Think Tank to work with the Millennium Project on critical issues facing humanity
August 3, 2004: The Millennium Project Releases “2004 State of the Future” Report Think Tank Explores the Global Challenges and Prospects for the Future February 10, 2004: Millennium Project to Release Middle East Peace Scenarios Spanish version: El Proyecto Millennium Project Dio A Conocer Escenarios De Paz En El Medio Oriente
July 18, 2003: The Millennium Project Releases “2003 State of the Future” Report Think Tank Explores 15 Global Challenges
June 9, 2003: Range of International Perspectives on Future of Science and Technology Abstract of four Scenarios on Future S&T Management Issues February 10, 2003: Information Warfare Against Transnational Organized Crime
November 18, 2002: Wireless Energy; Carbon Sequestration November 23, 2002, article in Tendencias Científicas: La electricidad del futuro no necesitar cables y se enviar via satellite Convertida en microondas poder ser exportada desde los países productores de petróleo
September 23, 2002: Global Partnership for Development
September 9, ’02: Environmental Crimes in Military Actions and the International Criminal Court (ICC) – United Nations Perspectives
July 22, ’02: 2002 State of the Future, Balochistan Point AGAHI announces Pakistan 2029, State of Future Index Report with new impact analysis.