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For press releases and publications, please write to
June 15, 2024, Programa Radio UNR, Rosario, Argentina, “2024-06-15 -Dr Héctor Casanueva Ojeda-Convenio-Radio UNR FM 103.3”, interview to Héctor Casanueva (Chile Node Chair) on the results of the recent European elections.
June 4, 2024, Il, “SCUOLA/ La grinta meglio del QI: voglia di crescere e visione del futuro si possono imparare” (School/Grit is better than IQ: the desire to grow and vision of the future can be learned) by Simone Di Zio (Italy Node Co-Chair).
June 3, 2024, PassW0rd, “Benevolent AGI“, choral interview after the Beneficial Artificial General Intelligence Summit in Panama that includes considerations by Jerome Glenn and José Cordeiro (RIBER and Venezuela Node Chair).
May 31, 2024, Routledge, “Real Estate and Sustainable Crisis Management in Urban Environments. Challenges and solutions for resilient cities“, a new book edited by Saija Toivonen, Sirkka Heinonen (Helsinki Node Co-Chair), Ira Verma, Raúl Castaño-Rosa, and Sara Wilkinson, published within the RESCUE project of which The Millennium Project is collaborating network and including a chapter on the The Millennium Project’ 2023 Session during the 2023 FFRC Conference.
May 28, 2024, PhD2050, Tribute to Ted J. Gordon (1930-2024), by Philippe Destatte (Brussels Area Node Chair)
May 24, 2024, Infobae, “El futuro de Europa, el órdago de Macron y una lectura latinoamericana” by Héctor Casanueva (Chile Node Chair).
May 23, 2024, The Security & Sustainability Guide, “Report on Recent Reports #7, Spring 2024“, including The Millennium Project’s study on the Requirements for Global Governance of Artificial General Intelligence: Phase 2 of a Real-Time Delphi
May 18, 2024, Journal of Futures Studies, “Envisioning Futures Together. A Collaborative Exploration between Foresight Experts and Artists at the MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art” by Epaminondas Christophilopoulos (Greece Node Chair).
May 16, 2024, Blog PhD2050, “Human Security for All. Establishing the common good by arming wisdom” by Philippe Destatte (Brussels Area Node Co-Chair), background paper for the session « Root Causes and Remedies for Rising Insecurity, Social Unrest, War and Violence and Global Turbulence » at the 64th Conference and General Assembly of the World Academy of Art and Science.
May 4, 2024, The Globe and Mail (downloadable .pdf version here), “A commissioner for future generations could boost the well-being of tomorrow’s Canadians” by Eric Noël (Canada Node Co-Chair).
April 2024, Springer, “Transformational Creativity is a new Springer book by Sternberg and Karami including a chapter by Saphia Richou, Todd Lubart (France Node Co-Chairs), Samira Bourgeois-Bougrine, and Marie Chizallet on “Future-Oriented Thinking: The Creativity Connection“.
April 29, 2024, Future Intelligence, “Experts want AGI supranational body“, report of the interview to Jerome Glenn by George Ridley following the Beneficial AGI conference of March in Panama.
April 25, 2024, Economy BG, “Future Jobs: Какво и как ще работим в бъдеще?” (a.t. What and how will we work in the future?), video interview to Mariana Todorova (Bulgaria Node Chair).
April 19, 2024, 박영숙미래TV AiMindbot, “[세계미래보고서 특집 인터뷰] “데이비드 우드, 죽음의 죽음 저자 불멸의 삶 가능한가?” 박영숙신간 경제경영 10위” (a.t. “World Future Report Special Interview. Is Immortal Life Possible?”), Young-Sook Park (Korea Node Chair) interviews David Wood (UK Node Co-Chair) in occasion of the upcoming Global AI Safety Summit organized in Korea on 21 and 22 May (video availaible).
April 17, 2024, Infobae, “Error de identificación. El uso de la Inteligencia Artificial aplicada a las armas autónomas, con márgenes de error en torno al 10%, implica un riesgo, ya que busca y ataca objetivos sin control humano y sin posibilidad de corrección” by Héctor Casanueva (Chile Node Chair).
April 15, 2024, AI & You podcast: Peter Scott interviews Jerome Glenn (second episode) discussing approaches for controlling the development of AGI, the AI arms race, and… (April 15) among other things.
April 12, 2024, South Asia journal, “Undemocratic Rule of Modi’s India is a Security Threat to South Asia“, by Asanga Abeyagoonasekera (Sri Lanka Node and SAFN Chair).
April 12, 2024, Centro de Estudio Prospectivos de Cuyo, Latin America 2050 book presentation, event organized by CEP Cuyo (Argentina Node) in collaboration with The Millennium Project, the RIBER Network, and many others is now available, is available.
April 10, 2024, The New Abnormal podcast, “From Future Shock to Gamification to Indigenous Futures“, interview to Shermon Cruz (Philippines Node Chair).
April 9, 2024, Seeking Delphi™ Podcast on AI implications and regulation: Mark Sackler interviews Jerome Glenn on the right questions to ask when talking about Artificial Intelligence, what Artificial General Intelligence will likely be in the next few years, and update on the current study on “Global Artificial General Intelligence Governance“ by The Millennium Project.
April 8, 2024, AI & You podcast: Peter Scott interviews Jerome Glenn (first episode) discussing his recent work with groups of the United Nations General Assembly and decentralized approach to grassroots empowerment for the AGI study.
April 7, 2024, SAFN, “Strategic Foresight: A Catalyst for Economic Recovery“, by Air Chief Marshal Gagan Bulathsinghala, Senior Fellow South Asia Foresight Network.
April 5-6, 2024, Techfuse Ioannina, with a session on “Futures Garden: a way of imagining a Europe enriched by a diverse tapestry of potential futures” joined by Erica Bol (Germany Node Founder) and Epaminondas Christofilopoulos (Greece Node Chair).
April 2, 2024, El Mostrador, “Inteligencia Artificial, un paso hacia el centro del multilateralismo“, by Héctor Casanueva (Chile Node Chair), with references to The Millennium Project study on the transition to AGI.
April, 2024, Consejo Chileno de Prospectiva y Estrategia (Chile Node), Revista de Prospectiva y estrategia n. 91, febrero-marzo 2024, with references to Spanish and Chinese translation of The Millennium Project study on AGI, the Millennium Project’s contribution to the UN Pact for the future, the new publication by the Helsinki Node on Towards Twin Transformations and Spaces – Convoluted Conversations on the Green and Digital Futures of Work, the new Game on Speculative Pasts & Futures by the Greece Node, the online course on “Getting to Know Futures Studies” by the Helsinki Node, the online seminar on La gestiónn del talento humano by Luis Ragno, Argentina Node, and contributions by Héctor Casanueva (Chile Node Chair).
March, 2024, Human Futures by WFSF, with contributions by Rosa Alegria (Brazil Node Co-Chair) on the future of work, Leopold Mureithi (Kenya and East Africa Node Co-Chair) reviewing books among which Mexico 2050, and others.
March 22, 2024, South Asia Foresight Network, Air Chief Marshal Gagan Bulathsinghala honoured by SAFN in Washington, DC with a honorary fellowship established to develop linkages with South Asia.
March 16, Bulgaria National Television, “Законът и изкуственият интелект – къде да очакваме сблъсъците” (a.t. Law and Artificial Intelligence: Where to Expect Collisions), video interview to Mariana Todorova (Bulgaria Node Chair).
March 15, 2024, Conecta, “Futurista mexicana comparte visión y retos globales del milenio” on Concepción Olavarreita, Mexico Node Chair, receiving the Diamond Shaped Crystal Recognition.
March 11, 2024, Academia Colombiana de las Ciencias Económicas ACCE and Red Colombiana de Prospectiva: Colombia National Development Plan and Vision to 2050, video-recording of the round table with Ibon Zugasti (MP Deputy Director & Spain Node Chair) and José Mojica (Colombia Node Co-Chair).
March 8, 2024, Embassy of China to the USA: The Science Councilor called for a meeting with Jerome Glenn about the Artificial General Intelligence Study and other works of The Millennium Project.
March 7, 2024, Spanish – “Como a Nova Ferramenta de Roda de Futuros Aumentada por IA Pode Contribuir para um Mundo Melhor!”; English – “Beyond Reinventing the Wheel: How the New AI-Augmented Futures Wheel May Contribute to a Better World!”, by Gustavo Machado (Brazil Node member).
March 7, 2024, Republic of Azerbaijan, Reyhan Huseynova (Azerbaijan Node Chair) was awarded the Taraggi Medal (Progress Medal) for her effective activity in the public life of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
March 7, 2024, Azerbaijan Future Studies Society, Reyhan Huseynova, Chair of the Azerbaijan Node of The Millennium Project and President of the Azerbaijan Future Studies Society hosting the Node, took part at III International Scientific Research Congress “Silk Road”.
March 6, 2024, ITB Berlin, “Tomorrow’s World – Global forces, technology developments, and ideas shaping the future and the implications for tourism” video recording of the speech by Rohit Talwar, UK Node Co-Chair.
March 4, 2024, Aurora, “Learning In Crisis“, reflections on how learning today requires a new mental paradigm that fits the culture of a new generation, by Puruesh Chaudhary (Pakistan Node Chair).
March 1, 2024, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Diamond Shaped Crystal Recognition to Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez, Mexico Node Chair and founder, as a tribute to her invaluable professional career in foresight and the construction of Futures in México and the world.
February 29, 2024, Bryan Alexander’ Blog, “Two futures events today” with references to World Futures Day.
February 28, 2024, Mideplan, “El trabajo del futuro: una mirada para el desarrollo del país”, a new free publication on the future of work by the Costa Rica Node of The Millennium Project.
February 28, 2024, Emerj, “Jumpstarting International AGI Governance – a Snapshot from The Millennium Project’s Recent Expert Survey” by Matthew DeMello.
February 28, 2024, Futura Network – Italian Newsletter, with references to World Futures Day.
February 28, 2024, Innowacje, World Futures Day 2024.
February 27, 2024, Beneficial AGI Summit & Unconference, the recordings of the speeches by Jerome Glenn, David Wood (UK Node Chair), and José Cordeiro (Venezuela and Riber Nodes Chair) during the event co-sponsored by The Millennium Project are available.
February 27, 2024, Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów nad Przyszłości, “Globalna dyskusja na temat budowania lepszej przyszłości” (a.t. “Global discussion on building a better future”), World Futures Day.
February 27, 2024, Publicystyka, “Światowy Dzień Futures 2024” (a.t. World Futures Day 2024).
February 27, 2024, BNN Breaking, “Charting Tomorrow: Join the 11th Annual World Futures Day for a Global Dialogue on Our Shared Future”.
February 27, 2024, Press Release, “World Futures Day 2024. Join the Global Conversation on Building a Better Tomorrow”. Read the press release in English, Italian (Italy Node), Greek (Greece Node), Polish (Poland Node), Spanish (Mexico Node), Spanish (Chile Node invitation), French (France Node), Icelandic (Iceland Node).
February 24, 2024, Cardstock Meetup, ‘Dreams & Disruptions‘, video talk with Shermon Cruz (Philippines Node Chair).
February 23, 2024, Cep Cuyo, “La gestión prospective del talent humano” by Luis Ragno (Mendoza Sub-Node Co-Chair) within the XV Ciclo Seminario Internacional de Formación Prospectiva 2024.
February 21, 2024, South Asia Foresight Network, SAFN Collaborates with IRIC Government Think Tank for Foreign Relations in Cambodia.
February 17, 2024, Lifeboat News #259, Lifeboat newsletter, with references to World Futures Day on March 1.
February 2024, Metropolitan Organization of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki Publication, “MOMus INSPIRE 2023“, results of the project organized by the UNESCO Chair on Futures Research in collaboration with The Millennium Project.
February 13, 2024, Infobae, “El Pacto por el Futuro, ¿podrá salvar el multilateralismo? El multilateralismo que hay que salvar y fortalecer está devaluado y amenazado como nunca en esta tercera década de un azaroso e incierto siglo XXI” by Héctor Casanueva (Chile Node Chair).
February 13, 2024, Mideplan, “Índice de Desarrollo Global (IDG). Período 2017-2021“, a new publication coordinated by Carlos von Marschall Murillo (Costa Rica Node Chair) by the Costa Rica. Ministerio de Planificación Nacional y Política Económica (Costa Rica Node Host).
February 13, 2024, BGonair, “Изкуственият интелект прави революция в диагностициране на заболяванията” (a.t. Artificial intelligence revolutionizes disease diagnosis), interview to Mariana Todorova (Bulgaria Node Chair).
February 12, 2023, Informed Choices Mini-Pod (Video), “A Day in the Life of an Enhanced Human in 2050 with Rohit Talwar“, Steve Welles interviews Rohit Talwar (UK Node Co-Chair).
February 11, 2024, Futures Strategy Group, Remembering Ted Gordon, 1930-2024.
February 10, 2024, El mostrador, “Los incendios y la (no) gobernanza anticipatoria” by Héctor Casanueva (Chile Node Chair).
February 7, 2024, Il Sussidiario, “Scenario Giovani/ Solo il 7% è ottimista sul futuro: serve una nuova riforma delle soft skills” (a.t. Youth scenario/ Only the 7% is optimistic about the future: a soft skill reform is needed”) by Simone Di Zio (Italy Node Co-Chair).
February 7, 2024,, “Cautionary tales and a ray of hope“, a short article by David Wood (UK Node Co-Chair) where he presents four cautionary tales about the transition to AGI.
February 2, 2024, Learnic, “A world in the cloud”, video interview to Shermon Cruz (Philippines Node Chair).
February 1, 2024, Polish Society for Futures Studies, Ted Gordon In memoriam 1931 – 2024.
February, 2024,, Theodore “Ted” J. Gordon obituary.
January, 2024, Revista de Prospectiva y estrategia n. 90, enero 2024, by the Consejo Chileno de Prospectiva y Estrategia (hosting the Chile Node), including “Homenaje a Theodore J. Gordon” and references to the book on Prospectiva del Siglo XXI” by Héctor Casanueva (Chile Node Chair), Ibon Zugasti (Spain Node Chair) et al., the future of democracy conference by the Island Node, and to Futures 2.0.
January, The Millennium Project, “A great gentle Giant has left us“, tribute to Ted Gordon by Jerome Glenn. Tributes from all over the world are also available.
January 2024, Publication, “Speculative Pasts and Futures Global Edition” by Epaminondas Christofilopoulos (Greece Node Chair).
January 31, 2024, Lifeboat Foundation, March 1st will be the 11th anniversary of World Futures Day.
January 31, 2024, Nova News, “Футуролог: Целта на Мъск е колективно интелигентно пространство, в което да обменяме мисли и идеи” (“Futurologist: Musk’s goal is a collective intelligent space in which to exchange thoughts and ideas”), interview to Mariana Todorova, Bulgaria Node Chair.
January 30, 2024, The Millennium Project, World Futures Day 2024, March 1: Call for facilitators.
January 27, 2024, Publication, “Future Visions: How to Survive and Thrive in the Upcoming Economic Singularity: A Variety of Perspectives” by David Wood (UK Node Chair) et al.
January 23, 2024, Aurora.down, “A Forever Young Population” by Puruesh Chaudhary, Pakistan Node Chair, on how Pakistan is facing an increasingly young population and its media will need to innovate and adapt to stay ahead of the curve.
January 19, 2024,, “Какво ще ни дава смисъл утре?” (“What will give us meaning tomorrow?”), podcast interview to Mariana Todorova, Bulgaria Node Chair.
January 19, 2024, Longevity.Technology, “Will we reach the singularity by 2035?“, interview to David Wood, UK Node Co-Chair.
January 17, 2024, APF, Our Philippines Node wins the APF 2023 Award, Inclusion category, with its “Dreams and Disruptions” card game engaging players in collaborative, immersive scenario building to stretch imaginaries and stress-test visions.
January 14, 2024, International Humanitarian Academy «Europe-Asia», The President of Azerbaijan Future Studies Society Reyhan Huseynova, Chair of the Azerbaijan Node of The Millennium Project hosted by the Society, was awarded the Gold medal “The Rose of the World” for many years of contribution to the development of the creative activity of the Azerbaijan Culture Association «Simurg», to the formation of highly cultured people as a renewable strategic resource for the sustainable development of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
January 12, 2024,, “Доц. Мариана Тодорова: Изкуственият интелект може да унищожи хората, за да спаси планетата” (“Artificial intelligence can destroy humans to save the planet”), interview to Mariana Todorova, Bulgaria Node Chair.
January 12, 2024, Finland Futures Research Center, “Testing Urban Resilience with immersive CLA and What If? Three Cases: Rovaniemi, Kotka and Tripla”: a new publication by the Finland Futures Research Center (Helsinki Node) published within the RESCUE project (FFRC eBook 1/2024).
The work by Sirkka Heinonen, Co-Chair of the Helsinki Node, Risto Sivonen, Joni Karjalainen, Amos Taylor, Saija Toivonen, and Lassi Tähtinen, reports on a methodological experimentation using CLA for analysing crises and immersive what if? approach in three urban cases, and also includes a preface by Sohail Inayatullah.
January 11, 2024,, “Доц. Мариана Тодорова: Изкуственият интелект “халюцинира”. А ако го ползваме безкритично, идва масово оглупяване” (“Artificial intelligence “hallucinates”. And if we use it uncritically, mass dumbing down ensues”), audio interview to Mariana Todorova, Bulgaria Node Chair.
January 5, 2024,, “Мариана Тодорова: Поляризацията измества идеологиите, технологиите разбъркват човешкия пъзел” (“Polarization displaces ideologies, technologies stir the human puzzle”), interview to Mariana Todorova, Bulgaria Node Chair.
January 2, 2024,, „Има ли страна от живота ни, която ИИ няма да промени?“ (“Is there any aspect of our lives that AI won’t change?”), interview to Mariana Todorova, Bulgaria Node Chair.
January, 2024, JFS Futures communicy, “Dreams and Disruptions“, Shermon Cruz, Philippines Node Chair, introduces his intriguing scenario-building game called ‘Dreams & Disruptions.’
January, 2024, Publication, “Balochistan Security Profile An assessment of the security processes in Pakistan’s Balochistan Province“, a new report by London Politica and South Asia Foresight Network (SAFN) that examines security and separatism in the Pakistani Province of Balochistan in the face of increasingly prominent violence.