New Video on Global Challenge 3: Population and Resources
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 21 October 2024
- Global Challenges, population, resources, State of the Future, video
We are excited to announce the release of a new video on Global Challenge 3: How can population and resources be brought into balance?, as part of The Millennium Project’s series on the 15 Global Challenges included in the recent State of the Future 20.0 publication, courtesy of the France Node.
The video on Global Challenge 3 examines the impact of a growing global population, projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, on food, water, energy, and employment demands. Aging populations in developed countries will require new retirement models, while youth populations in developing regions will need education and jobs. The video highlights the need for smart solutions to address these pressures. Without significant changes, global waste production and resource depletion could have devastating environmental consequences.
We will release a video on the 15 global challenges every Monday as a premiere on our YouTube channel! Join the conversation as we explore how to turn around these trends and secure a sustainable future for all.