New publications on foresight by Mideplan
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 27 March 2023
- costa rica, foresight, mideplan, public policy, Strategic foresight
The Ministerio de Planificación Nacional y Política Económica (Mideplan) recently published two publications on strategic foresight edited by Carlos Alonso Marschall Murillo, Chair of the Costa Rica Node of The Millennium Project.

Foresight and Public Policy 2022
The document is focused on issues that can contribute to address phenomena that may affect our societies in the economic, social, environmental, population, and human rights fields in order to pursue sustainable development in the long-term future. The document contains three main sections: Foresight and international agendas developed by the country; study of the global megatrends and their relationship with international agendas and public politices; guidelines to incorporate Strategic Foresight Planning in the National Planning System (SNP).
Download at: https://documentos.mideplan.go.cr/share/s/i0g6tOueSNOw9dlcse-Qsw?error=true

Guidelines to incorporate Strategic Foresight in the National Planning System (SNP)
The document introduces guidelines for centralized and decentralized institutions in the public sector to join planning activities of the National Planning System (SNP) incorporating strategic foresight in the design and formulation of 10-year public interventions, in order to contribute to providing useful long-term development for the Costa Rican Public Sector.
Download at: https://documentos.mideplan.go.cr/share/s/tOngTRdNRzGvKvbprd_wLA