Short CV of the Speakers
Arije Antinori, Senior Expert for Organized Crime and Terrorism (EC), Geopolitics and OSINT Analyst, Sapienza Universita’ di Roma, Italy
Arije Antinori is a counter-terrorism expert with the EU-MENA Counter-terrorism project (EC 2015-2018), CEPOL (European Police College), the EENeT (European Experts Network on Terrorism Issues), is a Senior Expert for Organized Crime and Terrorism (EC), Geopolitics and OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) analyst. He has a Ph.D in Communication Studies, a Ph.D in Criminology applied to Investigations and Security, and 2nd Level Italian Master’s degree in “Crime Investigations: Theories & Methods”.
Roberta Belli, Security Information Analyst, UN Department of Safety and Security
Roberta Belli (Ph.D.) works for the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) as a Security Information Analyst in Mogadishu, Somalia. Prior to joining UNDSS in 2012, she was a Researcher and Project Manager of the U.S. Extremist Crime Database (ECDB), a multi-year research project funded by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), a U.S. Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence. Her work has focused on exploring the crime-terror nexus through social network analysis and the development of counterterrorism strategies through intelligence-led operations, threat and risk assessments, and situational prevention.
Yakir Bitterman, Senior Analyst, TAM-C Solutions, Israel
Yakir Bitterman is an Intelligence Officer with the TAM-C, where he provides daily analysis and briefings to corporate clients in the finance, energy, agriculture and tourism industries. Focal topics of Mr. Bitterman include cyber-terrorism and cross-border anarchist groups. He is an honors collegiate graduate from Florida Atlantic University (FAU), possessing a major in Criminal Justice and Psychology.
Philippe Destatte, Director, Destree Institute, Wallonia, Belgium
Philippe Destatte serves as Director General of The Destree Institute (European think-tank and Wallonia Institute of Foresight Research, Belgium). He is Associate Professor at the University of Mons and at the University of Paris-Diderot, where he is in charge of the Foresight course. In 2015-2017, he is also Visiting Professor in the International Administrative and Political Reforms André Molitor Chair, University of Louvain-la-Neuve, for a course untitled Foresight, Anticipation and Change Management in the Organisations and Public Policies. He serves as Chair of the Millennium Project Brussels Area Node since 2003.
Elisabeta Florescu, Director of Research, The Millennium Project, Canada
Elisabeta Florescu is Director of Research at The Millennium Project, working with the Project since 1997. She is co-author of several publications, including the “State of the Future” annual reports, the book “Lone Wolf Terrorism Prospects and Potential Strategies to Address the Threat”, the report “Environmental Crimes, Military Actions, and the International Criminal Court”, and many articles. She has been one of the principal investigators working on the monthly reports for the US Army Environmental Policy Institute, assessing worldwide environment and new technologies-related issues with potential implications for the military. She has a vast international experience, having lived and worked in several countries: Canada, USA, Romania, and Hungary.
Jerome C. Glenn, CEO, The Millennium Project, USA
Jerome C. Glenn co-founded and directs The Millennium Project and is the lead author for its State of the Future reports since 1997. He has 45 years’ experience in futures research with several think tanks, invented the Futures Wheel and concepts such as conscious-technology, transInstitutions, tele-nations, management by understanding, feminine brain drain, nodes as a management concept for interconnecting global and local views and actions, and definitions of environmental security and collective Intelligence. He wrote about information warfare in the late 1980s, sent his first email in 1973, and was instrumental in banning the first space weapon (FOBS) in SALT II, and getting x.25 packet switching in 29 developing countries during the 1980s. More recently he led the design and implementation of several collective intelligence systems, and wrote the Future Work/Technology 2050 Global Scenarios. He has published over 150 future-oriented articles, spoken to over 300 organizations, written several books, and is the co-editor of Futures Research Methodology Version 3.0.
Theodore J. Gordon, Senior Futurist and Co-Founder of The Millennium Project, USA
Theodore Jay Gordon is a futurist and management consultant, a specialist in forecasting methodology, planning, and policy analysis. He is co-founder and Board member of The Millennium Project, a global think tank. He formed the consulting firm, The Futures Group in 1971 and led it for 20 years. Prior to forming The Futures Group, he was one of the founders of The Institute for the Future and before that consulted for the math and policy department at RAND Corporation. He was also Chief Engineer of the McDonnell Douglas Saturn S-IV space vehicle and was in charge of the launch of early ballistic missiles and space vehicles from Cape Canaveral. He is author and co-author of many publications, including the book “Lone Wolf Terrorism Prospects and Potential Strategies to Address the Threat”.
Dirk Helbing, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Dirk Helbing is Professor of Computational Social Science at the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences and affiliate of the Computer Science Department at ETH Zurich. He earned a PhD in physics at the University of Stuttgart and was Managing Director of the Institute of Transport & Economics at Dresden University of Technology in Germany. He is internationally known for his work on pedestrian crowds, vehicle traffic, and agent-based models of social systems. Furthermore, he coordinates the FuturICT Initiative (, which focuses on the understanding of techno-socio-economic systems, using smart data. His work is documented in hundreds of scientific articles, keynote lectures and media reports worldwide. Helbing is an elected member of the prestigious German Academy of Sciences “Leopoldina” and worked for the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Complex Systems. He is also co-founder of the Physics of Socio-Economic Systems Division of the German Physical Society and of ETH Zurich’s Risk Center. In 2013, he became a board member of the Global Brain Institute in Brussels. Within the ERC Advanced Investigator Grant “Momentum” he works on social simulations based on cognitive agents.
Reyhan Huseinova, Founder and President, Azerbaijan Futures Studies Society, Baku, Azerbaijan
Prof. Reyhan Huseynova, PhD of philosophy, Associated Professor at Western University (Baku, Azerbaijan). Reyhan Huseynova is the founder and Chair of the Azerbaijan Future Studies Society, pioneering futures studies in the country, Chair of the Azerbaijani Node of Millennium Project, CEO of the University Foundation Center (UFC), and Vice-President of Azerbaijan-France Friendship Society. She is the author of many publications such as “Problems of Azerbaijan culture in the transition period”, “European experience and Azerbaijani consciousness”, “History of the world culture”, and “On the verge of the New World”.
Jari Kaivo-Oga, Research Director, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku, Finland
Dr Jari Kaivo-oja is research director of Finland Futures Research Centre at the Turku School of Economics in the University of Turku. He has worked as researcher for the European Commission in FP6, in FP7 and in Horizon 2020 programs. He has worked for the European Foundation, Eurostat, RAND Europe and Nordic Innovation Centre in various foresight projects. He is adjunct professor at the University of Helsinki (planning and management sciences) and at the University of Lapland (foresight and innovation research). He has worked as expert evaluator in the EU research programmes in the field of security and energy research. Dr Kaivo-oja is nominated to be expert evaluator of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions research program in 2016. He is working as board expert member of European Journal of Futures Research (Berlin, Springer), Journal of Futures Research (Cairo Centre for Develoment Benchmarking, CDB, Cairo) and Eastern European Business and Economics Journal (Riga, Latvia). Dr Kaivo-oja has lectured for the European Science Foundation (ESF, London), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS, Beijing) and Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS, Moscow). He is scientific expert of Future Foresight and Strategic Governance Study Programme at the Kazimieras Simonavicius University in Vilnus, Lithuania. In 2011 he was visiting scholar at Stanford University and in 2012 he was adviser of president Martti Ahtisaari (Nobel Peace Winner), in the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) with private diplomatic co-operation of Rockefeller Brothers. He is expert member of cyber security group of the Ministry of Defense (Finland) in 2016-2018.
Garry Kessler, Chair of the Security Studies & International Affairs Department and Professor of Cybersecurity, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA
Gary C. Kessler is chair of the Security Studies & International Affairs Department and Professor of Cybersecurity at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Daytona Beach, Florida). He is also the president of Gary Kessler Associates, a training and consulting company specializing in computer and network security and digital forensics. Gary is a member of the North Florida and Hawaii Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Forces and an adjunct faculty member Edith Cowan University (Perth, Western Australia). Gary has a B.A. in Mathematics, an M.S. in Computer Science, and a Ph.D. in Computing Technology in Education. He is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Computer Examiner (CCE), Certified Cyber Forensics Professional (CCFP), and on the board of directors of the Consortium of Digital Forensic Specialists (CDFS). Gary is the co-author of two professional texts and over 70 articles and papers, a frequent speaker at industry events, and former editor-in-chief of the Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law. More information about Gary can be found at his Web site,
Milan Maric, Director of S&T Montenegro
Milan Maric worked for the Montenegro Army, Central Bank, and government and is the manager of the Montenegro eGovernment Project. He is in charge with the WebPortal of the Montenegro government, the government and national Public PKI CA project for the Government and Post Montenegro, UNDP – SWISS Social card central solution and register for citizen, Tele Montenegro for the Ministry of Science, the Central SW for issuing Visa for non resident visitors for the Ministry of foreign affairs, and other Ministry of information society and telecommunication projects.
Brian Pate, Physical Scientist, Defense Chemical and Biological Technologies Department, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, USA
Dr. Pate is a Science & Technology Manager at the Joint Science & Technology Office for Chemical & Biological Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency. He manages a $13M portfolio focused on (1) interactions relevant to human effects of advanced and emerging weapons threats and (2) identifying and controlling new phenomena to enable breakthrough countermeasures to chemical and biological weapons. He is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Maryland and has recently served as an instructor in biochemistry and in weapons chemistry at Northern Virginia Community College and the U.S. Naval Academy, respectively. Dr. Pate earned a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Indiana University, followed by postdoctoral training at MIT in Materials Science & Engineering. Prior to his current role, Dr. Pate was employed as a Visiting Scientist at the Air Force Research Laboratory, as a Senior Chemistry Specialist at Dow Chemical, and as a Lecturer in Physics, Chemistry, and Materials Science at Central Michigan University. Dr. Pate recently served as Deputy Director for Technology Watch and Horizon Scanning at the Office of Technical Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, and he maintains an active interest in using data-driven analytics to improve S&T understanding, investments, and outcomes.
Paulo Mateus Felix, Portugal Intelligence Services (retired), Portugal
Portuguese national, Angolan born, more than 25 years experience in LE and Intelligence. Started in Polícia Judiciária (PJ), Portuguese Criminal Investigation Judicial Police. Member of the first team of intelligence analysts at Europol as a First Officer where, at a later stage, moved to the Special Projects and Liaison unit. Area Director of the Portuguese Intelligence Service (SIS) for 6 years. Currently retired and working as a Consultant.
Adrian Pop, Director, Centre for Regional and Global Studies, Professor, National University of Political Science and Public Administration, Romania
Adrian Pop is Professor of International Relations with the National University of Political Science and Public Administration in Bucharest, Director of the Centre for Regional and Global Studies, and Chair of the Romania Node of The Millennium Project. He has been a Research Fellow with the NATO Defence College, the University of Maryland, and the Norwegian Nobel Institute. He is a member of several international professional associations, part of the editorial boards of different scholarly journals and has extensively published in the fields of history, international relations, security and defence, with a particular focus on East-Central and South-Eastern Europe.
Hélène Ute von Reibnitz, Scenarios & Visions,Vence, France
Ute Hélène von Reibnitz is expert in foresight, scenario planning, innovation, multicultural management for 30 years. She is based in France, with clients in aerospace, automotive, consumer industries, energy, financial services, health care, IT, media, government agencies in Europe, USA, Middle East, Far East, offering services in workshops, strategic and foresight projects, training, coaching in English, French and German. She is author of 3 books on foresight, published in English, French, German, Korean and Russian (see website Hélène is born in Trier, Germany, and is member of several international foresight networks: FEN (Foresight Europe Network), French Node of the Millennium Project, and WFS (World Future society).
Aaron Richman, Director, TAM-C Solutions, Israel & USA
Aaron Richman, former commander in the Israel National Police, is the Director for TAM-C Solutions in the USA and Israel, where he is responsible for the global Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center’s intelligence and research projects and is an assistant professor for the master’s degree Disaster Management program at Philadelphia University. He specializes in homeland security and counter terror fields of study, with specific expertise in suicide bombing response, “lone actors” interdiction and information collection planning. Richman has conducted various research projects dealing with best practices in terror response and command considerations for such incidents.
Yair Sharan, Director, FIRS2T Group, Israel
Dr. Yair Sharan is currently the director of FIRS2T (Foresight Insight Research Security Society and Technology) Group in Israel, active in the security and technology field. He was the director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis and Forecasting (ICTAF) at Tel Aviv University. He is Co-director of the Israeli Node of The Millennium Project. He earned his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Mathematics and Physics at the University of Jerusalem. He earned his Ph.D. in Physics from the Weizmann institute of Science. Fields of interest are research and science foresight and policy, the impact of technology on national strategy and technology assessment. He coordinated and participated in several EU projects including FESTOS in the security program, PRACTIS in Science in Society program as well as Nano2life and SIAM. He is co-author and co-editor of several books. Current research includes Synthetic Biology, Detection of people with mal-intensions, Lone Actors’ Terrorism and more. (
Jamie Shea, Deputy Assistant Secretary General, Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO
Karlheinz Steinmüller, Z_punkt, Berlin, Germany
Karlheinz Steinmueller is the scientific director and founding partner of “Z_punkt GmbH – The Foresight Company” at Cologne/Germany (, a consultancy that provides foresight services for large, mainly European, companies and for public administrations. Since 1991 engaged in foresight, Steinmueller is a specialist in foresight methodology (esp. disruptions and wild cards), and lectures about it at Free University Berlin. He graduated in theoretical physics and got his PhD in philosophy of science. He has worked in ecological modelling, and has published together with his wife nine science fiction books, three books about foresight and a biography of Charles Darwin.
Olaf Theiler, German Armed Forces, Dept. Future Analysis, Germany
Olaf Theiler, PhD, studied history and political science at the Free University of Berlin, where he also wrote his PhD-thesis on NATO´s reform in the light of conflicting national interests. In 1998, he entered the academic staff of the German Armed Forces Academy of Information and Communication, teaching international relations. In 2007, he joined the Operations Division in NATO´s International Staff in Brussels. 2012-2014 he served in the Strategy and Operations Branch in the German MoD, being responsible for NATO and EU. Since 2014, he now is Head of the Future Analysis Branch in the Bundeswehr Office for Defense Planning.
Sorin Toda, Principal Scientist, Invixium Inc., Canada
Sorin Toda is Principal Scientist at Invixium Inc., developing Biometric products for Biometric Technologies (Facial, IRIS, Palm, Vein). His expertise include: image processing, pattern recognition and classification algorithms, fuzzy logic, neural networks, machine learning, computer vision and expert systems, and development of video surveillance software (ALPRS) and video analytic algorithms. He invented and implemented novel optimization search algorithms and has industrial experience in the domain of algorithm and software development for fast recognition of infectious disease from a small biological sample, such as a human blood.
W. Bruce Weinrod, Former Secretary of Defense Representative for Europe and Defense Advisor to the US Mission at NATO, USA
W. Bruce Weinrod has extensive experience with respect to foreign policy and national security matters. He has held senior positions in the US Department of Defense with responsibility for NATO and Europe, has served in senior positions on Capitol Hill, and has been a policy expert with US think-tanks. As an attorney and international business advisor, Mr. Weinrod has assisted US and foreign companies in achieving policy, regulatory and legislative-related business objectives.
Paul Werbos, Scientist, Former Program Director at the National Science Foundation, USA
Alexander Yehuda, Senior Researcher, FIRS2T Group, Israel
Alexander Yehuda is specializing in hazard analysis, probabilistic risk analysis, studies of the environmental consequences of hazardous releases, research in atmospheric transport and diffusion. He has over 30 years experience in the public, government, and private sectors, in pure and applied research, as well as in various management positions. He has a PhD in theoretical nuclear physics.