Mini Trip report: New York, UNGA side meetings
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 22 September 2023
- artificial general intelligence, technology, united nations
By Jerome C. Glenn
During the UN General Assembly every September, New York turns into a massive traffic grid lock. My visit began with the Global Futures 23 side meeting led by Arizona State University where Ketan Panel spoke about moving financial management firms toward sustainable development.
Next, I attended the meeting on UN AI Governance hosted by the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology, where it was clear that UN regulation of AI was inevitable – otherwise advanced AI will be a disaster! Just last year I don’t remember anyone talking about UN regulation of AGI. The UN Secretary-General is assembling a team headed by the Envoy on Tech to create a framework for such regulation. I have submitted a paper addressing these issues to the UN Envoy on Technology and briefly discussed it with the Envoy at this meeting.
I had several other meetings with friends of The Millennium Project including our back channel with the UN Secretary-General, who will explore our idea of a joint US-China statement AGI governance. In Parallel, the Ministerial meeting to plan for the UN Summit of the Future 2024 was held 21 Sept. You can see a recording here: https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1z/k1zzbbnqaq (and forward to 18 or 19 minutes).
Next stop: Uruguay — to address the second World Summit on Parliamentary Committees for the Future.