Mini Trip Report: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Posted by JGlenn
- On 15 January 2019
Blaž Golob, chair of the South East European Node of The Millennium Project brought me to Kuala Lumpur to address the Blockchain for Sustainable Development Goals conference. The conference brought together blockchain developers and leaders of crypto currency exchanges from the European and Asian Blockchain Hubs. I spoke about the three Work/Technology 2050 Global Scenarios and how blockchain and other nerxt technologies (NT) could help achieve the UN SDGs, plus the evolution of the Self-Actualization Economy. 13 Minute video of the talk:

Youngsook Park, Chair of the Korean Node also spoke at the conference. She and I met with Syed Isa, Malaysian Node co-chair about the possibility of having the next annual Millennium Project Planning Committee Meeting in Malaysian and a new institutional host for the Malaysian Node, since the previous MOU for the Node was with Genovasi of the Malaysian Prime Minister’s Office – Prime Ministers have changed. One possibility for the new host could be The Ministry of Technology, Communications, and Innovations, whose technology foresight leader just purchased a subscription to our Global Futures Intelligence System and for whom I gave a special training in the use of GFIS.