Letter on AGI by Jerome Glenn – Washington Post
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 16 July 2023
- artificial intelligence, Washington post
A letter by Jerome Glenn to the editor of the Washington Post about AGI and the UN Security Council was recently published on line and in print.
![On July 18, the United Nations Security Council will address [apnews.com] security issues posed by artificial intelligence. I worry the council will talk about only ChatGPT, GPT-4 and other current forms of artificial narrow intelligence. What we really need is a serious set of security talks on artificial general intelligence [wired.com], which could be developed in five to 10 years.
If we don’t have an international regulatory system of rules, guardrails, continuous audits and the like in place before artificial general intelligence arrives, then artificial super intelligence [techtarget.com] could emerge, not to our liking.
Jerome Glenn, Washington
The writer is a member of the IEEE SA P2863 working group on organizational AI governance and chief executive of the Millennium Project think tank.](https://millennium-project.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/360161406_10161355165294314_4507782981434055206_n-1.jpg)
Read online: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/07/14/security-council-address-broadness-ai/