Indigeneity to Reimagine Anticipation – new publication on APF Compass
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 30 November 2022
- anticipation, indigeneity, Philippines Node
A new issue Compass, the quarterly magazine edited and designed by a volunteer team of the Association of Professional Futurists membersm is out, with distinguished contribution by APF members.
The November issue also contains a new publication by Shermon Cruz, Chair of the Philippines Node of The Millennium Project, and Nicole Anne Kahn-Parreño, about “Invoking indigeneity to Reimagine the Knowledge and Practice of Anticipation“, discussing how “the Filipino indigenous intersubjective experience of dreamtime appears to be a potent force for dreaming stories about the future and this, in more ways than one, has shaped their own unique way of sensing, perceiving, and anticipating the unseen and the undiscovered future horizon”.