Ibon Zugasti has been appointed as The Millennium Project’s Deputy Director
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 7 December 2023
- board meeting, deputy director, Zugasti
The Millennium Project announces the appointment of Ibon Zugasti, M.S., as new Deputy Director. The decision was taken during the recent Board Meeting of The Millennium Project in Dubai, November 26th, by an absolute majority of the members of the Board.
Since 1999, Ibon has led several consultancy and research projects in the fields of foresight, regional sustainable development, labor & training, and energy for different Governments worldwide and Corporations, among which he has been advisor for the Committee of the Regions of the EU for the launching of a European Platform on Territorial Foresight.
He is now Partner/Director at PROSPEKTIKER, a consultancy firm founded in 1987 and contributing to solving social challenges and promoting more sustainable and competitive territories and organizations, and International Project Manager at LKS, Consulting Division of the MONDRAGON Corporation.
He has been collaborating with The Millennium Project since 2010 and he is Member of its Board of Directors, Node Chairman for its Spain Node, Deputy Director of the Foresight Iberoamerican Network (RIBER) regional Node, and member of the Foresight Europe Network regional Node (FEN, previously Vice-President and President of the European Regional Foresight College), and also Associate Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science.
He is co-author of different publications such as Foresight of the 21st Century, Latin America 2030: Delphi Survey and Scenarios (The Millennium Project), An initial assessment of territorial forward planning/foresight projects in the European Union (Committee of the Regions of the EU), and The water-energy-food nexus, foresight for research and innovation in the context of climate change (European Commission). He also contributes to the yearly publication of the State of the Future by the Millennium Project.
Ibon earned his Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from the University of Deusto, Spain and earned his Master’s in Strategic Management from Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA. He has been teaching strategic management and foresight at many Universities and seminars at the international level (Oxford University, TEC Monterrey, Singularity University…).
After being appointed by the Board, Ibon Zugasti said:
“It is a great honor to serve the Millennium Project Board of Directors and worldwide network of Nodes with the aim to strengthen this unique futures research think tank to become a global collective intelligence system recognized for its ability to improve prospects for humanity”.
Commenting on the appointment of Ibon Zugasti, Jerome C. Glenn, Executive Director and co-founder of The Millennium Project, said:
“His experience as the Chair of the MP Node in Spain, work with both RIBER and FEN, election to The Millennium Project Board by the MPPC several years ago, and his extensive speaking and international travels make him well qualified to help me with the leadership of this this unusual think tank”.
For further queries or to arrange interviews, please contact The Millennium Project or call +1 (202) 669-4410