Planeamiento, Prospectiva y Desarrollo Nacional – Nov. 8-11, 2022
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 26 October 2022
- national planning
The I International Congress on Planeamiento, Prospectiva y Desarrollo National, taking place in Perù in November 08-11, 2022, aims at becoming a space for exchanging ideas, knowledge, and views on national development planning to understand its complexity and dynamism and to contribute to strengthening the long-term thinking of institutions, with the participation of various actors from the public sphere, the business sector, the academia, and the civil society of national and international level.
The Congress is organized by El Centro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico – Ceplan, and will have many distinguished speakers from The Millennium Project on the 9th of November, such as Jerome C. Glenn, MP CEO and Director, and Ibon Zugasti (Spain, RIBER, and FEN Nodes) for the keynote speech on “Reflexiones sobre los futuros: desafíos y oportunidades globales”; Sirkka Heinonen (Finland Node) and Fernando Ortega (Perù Node) for the session about “Empleabilidad, innovación acelerada y disrupciones tecnológicas del
futuro”; Ibon Zugasti for the session on “El futuro de las actividades económicas en un contexto incierto”; and Fredy Vargas (Colombia Node) for the session on “Desafíos futuros en gobernanza, lucha contra el crimen y seguridad ciudadana”.
The conference is free and can be attended both online and in presence. For information and registrations, please visit https://congreso.ceplan.gob.pe/