Horacio Godoy published by the Argentina Node
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 10 July 2024
- Argentina Node, books, Godoy, publications
The Centro Latinoamericano de Globalización y Prospectiva, hosting the Argentina Node of The Millennium Project, recently published two books by Horacio Godoy, an important Argentine intellectual, found in his archives and both edited by Miguel Gutiérrez, Co-Chair of the Argentina Node.

“El país de los monos” (The country of the monkeys) is a posthumous political essay focused on cultural dependence after the colonial period. The work, written between 1986 and 1998, remains surprisingly relevant more than a quarter of a century later. Through an allegory about an imaginary country inhabited by monkeys that try to imitate human civilization, Godoy carries out a sharp analysis of the Argentine and Latin American political reality.
For more information, visit https://play.google.com/store/books/details/HORACIO_H_GODOY_EL_PA%C3%8DS_DE_LOS_MONOS?id=Bx0MEQAAQBAJ

“La muerte in pausa” (Death in pause) is a clear example of the capacity for anticipation and imagination, difficult in the quasi-hegemonic dominance of technologies of today. The story focuses on a message that informs of the suspension of death “until further notice”, without identify the “issuer”. Only technological resources can bring the message to the public but withouttracing its origin. The text dates back to before 1998.
For more information, visit https://play.google.com/store/books/details/LA_MUERTE_EN_PAUSA?id=HR0MEQAAQBAJ&hl=en_US,