Great Convergence and Remaking of World Order – Abstracts by Aug. 15, 2024
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 8 July 2024
- Book, call for contributions, future world order, Romania Node, World order
The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, hosting the Romania Node of The Millennium Project, and the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, members of CIVICA – The European University of Social Sciences, launched a call for contributions for a book proposal on “The Great Convergence and the Remaking of World Order“.
The book, edited by Adrian Pop, Romania Node Chair, and Robert Dygas, will explain how through their foreign policy action according to their interests, values, and norms, their hard and soft power strategies, and the various local reactions to them, both established and emerging powers shape new global and regional economic, political-military, and normative agendas and orders.
The book will address but will not be limited to the following topics: The shift of the geo-economic paradigm; Proxy wars and conflicts at peripheries in the great power competition and the remaking of
world order; The US-China power transition and global governance; The future role of the European Union in the new world order; The roles of BRICS/BRICS+ in the new world order; Financial systems in the new world order; The Belt and Road Initiative and its alternatives’ impact on the future world order; The new international society in a more sustainable and resilient world order; The emerging powers’ quest for greater global influence through soft power tools; Scenarios of future world order.
The deadline for submitting an abstract is August 15, 2024. For more information, download the call for contributions (.pdf file) or contact the editors, Adrian Pop at pop@politice.ro, and Robert Dygas at rdygas1@sgh.waw.pl.