Foresight Europe Network Node 2023/2024 leadership and ideas
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 4 March 2023
- FEN, foresight europe network
The leadership of Foresight Europe Network, regional Node of The Millennium Project, has transitioned into its 2023-2024 term. Anna Sacio-Szymanska from our Poland Node has completed her six years of service on the network’s leadership team, and Nondas Christophilopoulos from our Greece Node has moved from being President for 2021-2022 to being Vice President (Past President). Nick Balcom Raleigh has now moved from serving as Vice President (Future President) to the role of President, thus becoming member of our Board of Directors as representative of the Foresight Europe Network. The newest member of the leadership team is Lena Tünkers, who begins her service to the network as Vice President (Future President).
The 2023-2024 FEN leadership team recently met with past leaders of FEN to discuss FEN’ history and future potentials. The new leadership philosophy is in line with the original vision of the network, a low-hierarchy, low-bureaucracy, and very open network with the objective to facilitating contact among the network’s members and providing opportunities to meet.
New ideas under discussion for 2023 revolve around the following ideas: a FEN Member Method/Tool Demonstrations series of meetings and a European Foresight Statbook. The leadership team is also discussing the next FEN meetings that will likely be in June and October.
FEN was founded by the European nodes of the Millennium Project, but anyone who is doing foresight, using foresight or even just getting started using foresight in Europe can join: https://feneu.org/members-competences/
Read and discover more about FEN: https://feneu.org/