FEN Summer Meeting 2024 – June 12, 2024
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 31 May 2024
- committees for the future, europe, FEN, FEN meeting, foresight
The Foresight Europe Network, one of the regional Networks of The Millennium Project, will hold an in-person gathering, FEN Summer 2024 Meeting – on June 12, 2024, 2,00-4,00 pm, as a pre-event of the 24th international Futures Conference on the “Future of Natural Resources” organized by the Finland Futures Research Centre and the Finland Futures Academy, University of Turku, Finland, hosting the Helsinki Node of The Millennium Project.
The event will be addressed by Nicolas Balcom Raleigh, FEN President, and Lena Tünkers, FEN Future President, with the participation of Jerome Glenn, Executive Director of The Millennium Project, and Ibon Zugasti, Deputy Director of the Millennium Project, among others. The agenda of the meeting is the following:
- Welcoming Remarks (5 minutes), Nicolas Balcom Raleigh, FEN President
- Icebreaker (10 minutes), Lena Tünkers, FEN Future President
- Presentations: (15 minutes)
- Eye of Europe project and Futures 4 Europe platform, Dr. Radu Gheorghiu, Institutul de Prospectiva, Romania
- Updates from The Millennium Project, Executive Director and Co-Founder Jerome Glenn &
Deputy Director Ibon Zugasti - Parliamentary/National Committees for Future, Dr. Sofi Kurki, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
- Group Discussions (30 minutes) & Plenary (20 minutes), FEN members discuss emergent topics sparked by the presentations.
- Closing Remarks (10 minutes), Lena Tünkers, FEN Future President
The meeting will take place at the University of Turku, building: Medisiina D, address: Kiinamyllynkatu 10, Turku, Finland, and is free and open to all who are interested in futures and foresight in Europe. Whether you have signed up as a FEN Member, are wise and experienced in futures or newly starting in this field, professor or student of futures – FEN welcomes you. A dinner will follow.
For more information about the FEN meeting, visit https://futuresconference2024.com/side-events/120624-fen/
During the conference, Nicolas Balcom Raleigh and Lena Tuenkers will also facilitate a session Harnessing the natural resource called human curiosity to cultivate knowledge sharing in professional networks, on June 13, 2024, hosting participants from Demo Hours that will share their experiences and value gained from the program. FEN President Nicolas Balcom Raleigh will also join and facilitate other session of the conference.
Read more about the Futures conference of the Helsinki Node at https://millennium-project.org/future-of-natural-resources/