FEN Demo Hour on Real-Time Spatial Delphi Platform – May 18, 2023
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 4 May 2023
- Demo Hour, digital platform, FEN, foresight europe network, Realtime Delphi, spatial delphi
FEN Demo Hour – the new online monthly series organized by the Foresight Europe Network, regional Node of The Millennium Project – goes into the second round and will be held on Thursday 18th May 2023 from 15.00 to 16.30 UTC+1.
FEN members Simone Di Zio, Co-Chair of the Italy Node of The Millennium Project, & Yuri Calleo will present and demonstrate their new Real-Time Spatial Delphi digital platform to facilitate spatial consensus for complex scenarios and policy development. Attendance is free and open to anyone interested in foresight, but pre-registration is required to attend this virtual event.
FEN Demo Hours allow FEN members and Europe’s foresight community to share and explore each other’s approaches to foresight and futures work. Each FEN Demo Hour, an individual or small group of FEN members volunteers to present a foresight tool or method they have created or adapted. Anyone can attend based on their interests. The intention is to learn from each other and discuss how our field is developing.
Sign-up to second FEN Demo Hour: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpcOiqqDItG9d-btpceLKFVbhfAgfyEKH1#/registration
Discover more about FEN: https://feneu.org/