European Commission – New publications
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 23 October 2023
- Brussels Node, European Commission, foresight, geopolitics, Germany node, Greece Node, Research and Innovation, technology
New publications by the Europen Commission, with contributions from our Node Chairs, were recently published.

“R&I foresight in government: a handbook for Policymakers” by Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission) with contributions from Cornelia Daheim (Germany Node Co-Chair), Philippe Destatte (Brussels Node Co-Chair) and others.
This Final Report outlines the current state of the play in relation to institutionalised R&I foresight and proposes a way forward for extending and strengthening R&I foresight in government. It showcases exemplary R&I foresight practice and related strategic processes, structures and capacities at EU level and in participating countries and beyond. It draws on these country cases to provide a guidance towards a handbook on tailored tools and approaches for applying R&I foresight in a range of contemporary policy contexts, including smart specialisation, mission-oriented policy, citizen engagement and twin transition and disruptions. The Report recommends coordinated efforts between Member States and the EU to invest in the enabling conditions for enhanced R&I foresight in government, in particular futures literacy and related foresight studies.

“Research, innovation, and technology policy in times of geopolitical competition” by the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission) and with Epaminondas Christophilopoulos, Greece Node Chair, among the authors.
The ESIR group explores the research, innovation, and technology policy through the lens of geopolitical competition. This focus paper emphasizes the importance of a European technology policy that supports sustainability, democracy, and responsible innovation. It calls for proactive investment in research and innovation to shape global frameworks. In a rapidly changing world, Europe’s position must be strengthened while making sure technology serves humanity and addresses environmental challenges.
Download at https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/6dc11e64-6bd6-11ee-9220-01aa75ed71a1/language-en