Europe perspective on 15 Global Challenges – Deadline July 3, 2023
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 26 June 2023
- 15 Global Challenges, foresight europe network, Miro Board
During the latest FEN annual meeting on June 16, the FEN leadership launched group workshops to support the updating of The Millennium Project’s Global Challenges from a Europe perspective.
The 15 global challenges were Identified through a series of global futures research studies (beginning in 1997) and global scanning systems, created through the SOFI method. Every challenge contains data and information, and progress and regress also from a regional point of view, such as the Europe perspective. The Millennium Project is now updating the challenges and their summary will be included in the upcoming State of The Future 20.0.
For each challenge, participants to the FEN meeting were requested to discuss:
– how the challenge is changing and why
– who is working on this challenge, where, and with what aims and intended outcome
– What should be done over the next 2 years to better address this challenge and by whom.
The Miro board will be open for another week for other contributions from the FEN members (deadline: July 3, 2023).
Miro board link
Password: MPGC2023
For information about FEN and this Miro board, please contact FEN.
For information about the 15 global challenges, please contact The Millennium Project.