Deconstructing Paradoxes of Work through CLA – June 13, 2024
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 31 May 2024
- CLA, digital and green transition, futures conference, Helsinki Node, meaning of work, paradoxes, special session, Work
In the framework of the 24th international Futures Conference – Futures Conference 2024 on “Future of Natural Resources”, organized in June 13-14, 2024 by the Helsinki Node of The Millennium Project, a special session by The Millennium Project on “Deconstructing Paradoxes of Work through CLA” will be facilitated by Sirkka Heinonen and Osmo Kuusi, Co-Chairs of the Helsinki Node, on June 13, 2024, 13:00-14:30.
Work as a key sector in society is undergoing transformation, especially within the twin digital and
green transition (EU strategic areas). The Futures of work have been extensively explored in the field of
future studies. We are, however, now entering the next stage where novel drivers and new complex
phenomena arise, such as a technological revolution, the effect of AI on work, as well as a
sustainable and just green transition.
The session will readdress this topic through paradoxes in this futures clinique. Paradoxes can be used as
promising tools for exploring non-explicit socio-cultural and techno-economic developments as well
as for deconstructing assumptions. Paradoxes may also point to emerging disruptions that will shape
the new paradigm of work.
As inspiration for this foresight exercise, the session will start with a keynote speech is given by Jerome Glenn, CEO of The Millennium Project, highlighting the implications from ANI (Artificial Narrow Intelligence) evolving into AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), based on a recent MP Study on the transition to AGI, and re-thinking the meaning of work.
The organizers invite the participants to delve deeper into the paradoxes and to deconstruct them utilising the CLA (Causal Layered Analysis) method in small interactive groups. Through futures provocation the participants are invited to ponder critically on some paradoxes representing current paradigm of work. The workshop provides participants with deeper insight of paradoxes and of CLA as a way to deconstruct background assumptions that control our understanding of work.
The participants will get a printed copy of the report on two previous Millennium Project sessions
(FFRC eBook 4/2023), as well as experience a methodological experiment offered by the three-year
T-winning Spaces 2035 project, funded by the European Union NextGenerationFund and The Research Council of Finland under grant #353326. The session is organised in co-operation with the Millennium Project, Finnish Society for Futures Studies and Aalto University.
Facitators of the event are Mikkel Knudsen, Paula Pättikangas, Amos Taylor, Riku Viitamäki, and Lassi Tähtinen. The session is organized by the Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku, Finland Aalto University, Finland.
- Glenn, J.C. and the Millennium Project Team (2019). Work/Technology 2050. Scenarios and Actions. The Millennium Project. Washington D.C.
- Glenn, J.C. and the Millennium Project Team (2024). International Governance Issues of the Transition from Artificial Narrow Intelligence to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Millennium Project. Washington D.C.
- Heinonen, Sirkka; Sivonen, Risto; Karjalainen, Joni; Taylor, Amos; Toivonen, Saija & Tähtinen, Lassi (2024). Testing urban Resilience with Immersive CLA and What if? Three Cases: Rovaniemi, Kotka and Tripla. FFRC ebook 1/2024. https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-249-612-6
- Heinonen, Sirkka – Maree, Burgert – Sivonen, Risto – Toivonen, Saija, Viitamäki, Riku & Pättikangas, Paula (2023) Towards Twin Transformations and Spaces – Convoluted Conversations on the Green and Digital Futures of Work. FFRC eBooks 5/2023.
- Heinonen, Sirkka & Ruotsalainen, Juho (2013). Futures Clinique – method for promoting futures learning and provoking radical futures. European Journal of Futures Research (2013) 15:7, DOI 10.1007/s40309-013-0007-4, 11 pp.
Read more about the conference and discover other sessions with The Millennium Project experts at https://millennium-project.org/future-of-natural-resources/