Citizens’ engagement approaches and methods in R&I foresight
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 3 July 2023
- Brussels Node, European Commission, foresight, MLE, participation, stakeholders
Philippe Destatte, Co-Chair of the Brussels Node of The Millennium Project and President of The Destree Institute hosting the Node, has just released a report on “Citizens’ engagement approaches and methods in R&I foresight” written in the framework of Horizon Europe, Policy Support Facility, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, 2023.
The report focuses on the challenge of opening up science, R&I and foresight to different types of stakeholders, including citizens. It highlights the trend towards developing new approaches such as co-construction, which appears to be strategic and particularly useful in terms of open governance. Co-construction aims to involve stakeholders in project management processes, whether in organisations, associations or local authorities. According to this approach, project definition and implementation are the result of collective work involving all the stakeholders concerned.
A first version of this paper, which forms part of the R&I foresight, policy, and practice Mutual Learning Exercise (MLE), supported by the European Commission’s DG Research & Innovation (DG R&I), was discussed at a seminar held from 31 January to 2 February 2023 with Chairs of The Millennium Project Nodes. The seminar focused on approaches and methods for engaging citizens in R&I foresight. This version incorporates the substantial contributions of the fruitful seminar.
More information and free download at https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/d5916d5f-1562-11ee-806b-01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-PDF/source-288573394