AI Horizon Sense Making Hybrid meeting mini report
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 26 September 2023
- AGI, artificial intelligence, Helsinki Node, RESCUE, T-Winning Spaces
by Sirkka Heinonen (Helsinki Node Co-Chair)
On September 19, 2023, the Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC), hosting the Helsinki Node of The Millennium Project, organized an AI Horizons sense-making discussion group in the form of a hybrid meetings. The event was facilitated by Maria Höyssä, senior specialist at the Committee for the Future of in Finnish Parliament. Sirkka Heinonen, Co-Chair of the Helsinki Node, was invited to give presentation on the results of the Study on Artifical Intelligence, Phase 1, by The Millennium Project.
The presentation was made together with Paula Pättikangas who was since 1st September appointed as research assistant to Sirkka’s two Academy of Finland funded projects: RESCUE and T-Winning Spaces. The Millennium Project is a collaborating network in both of them. Paula is UN Youth Delegate of Finland.
Download the power point presentation: https://www.utu.fi/sites/default/files/public%3A//media/file/FFRC-AI_Group_MP_Report_19092023.pdf