In loving memory of Ted Gordon
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 1 February 2024
- Ted Gordon
It is with extreme sadness that we announce that our beloved friend and colleague Theodore J. Gordon, one of the most respected futurists and methodologists around the world, co-founder of The Millennium Project and previously Chief Engineer of the McDonnell Douglas Saturn S-IV space vehicle among other things, passed away today. We are all so overwhelmed by this loss and we decided to tribute him through the words of our colleagues and friends. Farewell, dear Ted.

A great gentle giant has left us (continue…)
Read the whole tribute by Jerome C. Glenn, Executive Director, The Millennium Project
Read the Tribute to Ted Gordon by Philippe Destatte and Marie-Anne Delahaut of the Destree Institute and The Mellennia2025 project, The Brussels Area Node. And a large meeting room at the the Destree Institute is now named after Ted Gordon.
Remembering Ted Gordon, by Farley R. Cleghorn, Palladium (former Futures Group)
We lost Ted!!!! The pain seems unbearable. An extraordinary loss not only for his family, friends and collaborators, but for society as a whole!!!! There aren’t words to describe what Ted meant both on professional and personal levels to all of us who had the privilege of having him part of our life. He really was — and will remain — one of a kind, who happens very rarely and marks history forever. His inventiveness, energy, ethical values, kindness, intellectual honesty, and dedication to improving the human condition and building a better future for all are a legacy that will continue to influence the future. The universe where he is now, will be a better place thanks to Ted. But here, he will be highly missed!
Elizabeth Florescu, Director of Research, The Millennium Project
It is really sad that Ted has left. He was a wonderful person and a reference for all of us. Always ready to help and give advice. He will always be in our hearts!
Ibon Zugasti, Deputy Director and Spain Node Chair, The Millennium Project
Oh! My condolences! Teds name was wellknown. So also his contributions!
Erik Øverland, President and Chairman, World Futures Studies Federation
Ted was truly one of the greatest, in futures, in the world.
Jim Dator
He will be greatly missed for his wide-ranging and far-sighted contributions.
John M. Francis
Ted was one of the most gentle and knowledgeable people that I have ever met. Always kind, always stimulating. He will be missed but his legacy will remain.
Mara Di Berardo, Comms Director & Italy Node Co-Chair, The Millennium Project
Ted was amazing; he never stopped giving to the futures field, particularly the MP. Hooray for Ted. Fond memories for us all.
Clem Bezold, Planning Committee Member, The Millennium Project
Sad news… Ted was an amazing individual… I have vivid memories of his cheerful, infectious, enthusiam from decades ago…
Bruce Lloyd, Emeritus Professor, London South Bank University
I can’t write any words. Any words would be too small for our Ted.
Simone Di Zio, Italy Node Co-Chair, The Millennium Project
Only tears and sadness right now.
Prayers and fond memories are what we have to remember our dearly Ted… My most heartfelt condolences to the family members and for all who had a privilege to be touched by Ted’s increadible personality. Honored we had Ted as teacher with Elizabeth, Jerry and Jose for our Foresight course several years. RIP dear Ted…
Reyhan Huseynova, Azerbaijan Node Chair, The Millennium Project
How sad! My feeling is that I have lost someone from my cosmic family. Even without so much contact with him, but just through the occasions I met him, that’s the feeling. I feel like having known him many many years ago and having him in my ancestral memory of the past and future. He is now a star lighting up the universe. Lucky the stars that will have him now. Thank you for all I learnt from you, Ted. You will keep on in my eternal memory. R.I.P, Ted. My sincere condolences to his family, his friends and colleagues, specially to those who have had the privilege of working closely with Ted Like you Elizabeth and Jerry.
Rosa Alegria, Brazil Node Co-Chair, The Millennium Project
Yes, it is a tremendous loss. Ted indeed was a force of creativity, deep curiosity, and exceptional kindness. His contributions will long remain.
Jim Burke, Foresight and Solutions Navigator, DeepDive
A terrible loss! I got to know him rather late, but I was always impressed by his outstanding intelectual and humane qualities. May God rest him in peace!
Adrian Pop, Romania Node Chair, The Millennium Project
What a saddening shock… Our respected Ted had already gained a part of eternity at that moment. We have been suffering with him and his family. Respect and courage to his Family…
Marie-Anne Delahaut, Brussels Area Node Chair, The Millennium Project
So sorry to hear the unbelievable sad news! My sincere condolences to Ted’s family and to the entire MP family.
Aharon Hauptman, Israel Node Chair, The Millennium Project
So very sorry to hear about Ted’s passing. We admired him as an RTD inventor, method innovator and a gentle person. His biography was enough to fill several lifetimes. Rest in Peace. A big loss for our community so I reckon a portion of March 1st World Future Day could be dedicated to his memory. Condolences to all who shared memories of Ted.
Kacper Nosarzewski, Poland Node Co-Chair, The Millennium Project
So sad! We will cherish his legacy!
Epaminondas Christophilopoulos, Greece Node Chair, The Millennium Project
Fare thee well, Ted. RIP but shine on!!
Leopold Mureithi, Kenya Node Chair, The Millennium Project
The news is hard to take in! I wish all who have known Ted and worked with him, or had a special connection, all strength with the mourning process. My deep feelings go to his family.
Paul Epping, The Netherlands Node Chair, The Millennium Project
Dear Jerry and friends of the Millennium Project, at the Chilean Council for Prospective and Strategy and the Chile Node we have received with great regret the sad news of the death of Ted Gordon. A great one indeed, that he made an enormous contribution to prospective thinking, futures studies and the methodologies to apply them. We know and remember his important contributions in Latin America and his friendship with Chilean prospectists. Our feelings of regret and our sympathy to his family.
Héctor Casanueva, Chile Node Chair, The Millennium Project
Very sad news. I loved his talks, his writing, his computing, his friendship.
Jay Herson, member of the COVID scenario team, The Millennium Project
I am greatly saddened to read of Ted’s death. “A gentle Giant” is totally consistent with my own characterization of him. And I know that the relationship you two have had over so many years has been of greatest importance to both of you. My condolences as you deal with his passing.
Barry B. Hughes, Distinguished University Professor, Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures, Josef Korbel School of International Studies
The departure of Ted hurts. An irreparable loss. There are no words to describe it. A MAN. a TEACHER, a FRIEND. Good trip and that God receives it as it deserves
Eduardo R. Balbi, President, Anticiparse, funding member, Instituto Internacional de Anticipación Estratégica
Very sorry to hear of Ted’s passing. You are right – he was a giant. He will be missed. Sincerely
Riel Miller, Senior Fellow, Ecole des Ponts Business School; Herbert J. Smith Centre, U. New Brunswick; Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research & Education; U. Stavanger; U. Witwatersrand; Future Africa, U. Pretoria
Thank you, Elizabeth, and Jerry for your brief reflection. My condolences to the family, friends and all at MP for our sad loss. His legacy is part of our futures.
Ted Fuller, Professor, University of Lincoln logo University of Lincolnm UNESCO Chair on Responsible Foresight for Sustainable Development
I extend my deepest sympathies to the family, friends, and colleagues of Ted Gordon. His contributions as a leading figure in Futures and Foresight have left an indelible mark on the field, and his legacy will be remembered with great respect. May his pioneering work continue to inspire future generations in the pursuit of forward-thinking insights.
Victor V. Motti, Director, World Futures Studies Federation
Dear Elizabeth and Jeronimo: I hug you with all my heart and my love for the great loss of Ted. My heart is broken. My brain is filled with foresight light thanks to him. God bless you.
Concepción Olavarrieta, Mexico Node Chair, The Millennium Project
Muy lamentable Conchita. Si puedes hacer extensivas a su familia, amigos y allegados que la World Future Society Capitulo Mexicano lamenta profundamente esta pérdida.
Alma Lilia Campos, President, World Future Society, Mexican Chapter
“Why do futurists’ ideas matter? Because companies that can see into the future will have more opportunities down the road.” Ted Gordon said when he came to Korea in 2017. It breaks my heart to lose a great futurist who was not only important to the world, but also to Korea.
Yoonsik, Choi
I am sad to hear about Ted. My deepest condolences to Ted’s family and friends.
Asanga Abeyagoonasekera, SAFN and Sri Lanka Node Chair, The Millennium Project
This is truly saddening. will miss ted’s kindness and generosity. as i read jerrys words, it sparked memories of my interactions with ted – what a giant, a genius. connecting with him over ideas came easy because his patience was boundless. he inspired thought. accept my sincere condolences.
Puruesh Chaudhary, Pakistan Node Chair, The Millennium Project
Ted was cast into history when serious futures work was a gleam in precious few eyes. He never focused on being alone. He saw the opportunity to grow something new; something significant. For that alone, he is to be remembered and honoured. The scale and scope of his contributions are the fruits of his insight, impulses and courage. Ted was a living demonstration that the person and the work are fused. They cannot be teased apart. For this aspect of his life I am especially thankful.
Ruben Nelson, Executive Director of Foresight Canada
I like the description of Ted as a “gentle giant.” I worked with him in 1970 when I was a research fellow with the Educational Policy Research Center at Syracuse, and Ted and Olaf were constructing an early Delphi exercise for us. Lots of fun, and Ted was never over-bearing as we proceeded with our questions. Sorry to hear of his passing, of course! And the many futurists who mourn his passing reflects his “giant” influence.
Michael Marien, Senior Principal, The Security & Sustainability Guide, Research Director, Existential Risks Working Group, World Academy of Art & Science
My condolences for their loving people and for you, Jerry. Besides pain, let´s celebrate a great life.
Jorge Bernardi, Professor, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, ARISTOT, Business Intelligence Platform
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Ted. Wishing you strength and solace as you navigate through this profound grief.
Mustafa Aykut, Executive Board Member of ETNO Association, Policy Board Chairman of SAMENA
I am so so sorry. It is very sad that these great minds have left us. I hope he rests in peace. Sorry for your loss. I wish patience to his family and loved ones.
Ufuk Tarhan, Turkey Node Chair, The Millennium Project
What a big loss? My deepest condolences . Ted was a great man, I barely interacted with him directly but his work speaks volume about him. As our hearts are breaking for him, let us get consolation from his works which shall remain with us.
Simbarashe Nhokovedzo, Zimbabwe Node Chair, The Millennium Project
I am very sad about Ted Gordon’s death. He was a friend and mentor. We were proud to have him among us, as he was one of the generation of pioneers in futures research. His name will remain for everyone who enters the field of future studies.
Ismail Al Shatti, Kuwait Node, The Millennium Project
What sad news – I am also struggling with finding words. Indeed a massive loss, and the best kind of giant he was. Here’s to you, Ted! Condolences to family, friends, all who loved wonderful Ted.
Cornelia Daheim, Germany Node Co-Chair
This is a very sad news! My sincere condolences to Ted’s family and may his legacy live on. Thank you very much, Ted. Rest in Peace!
Shermon Cruz, Philippines Node Chair, The Millennium Project
Dear friends of the MP, With deep pain and emotion I accompany Ted’s family, Jerry, Elizabeth and all the members of the Millennium Project who have been lucky enough to know Ted and his Wife, to learn so much from him, not only about futures studies, but of their personal integrity, their ethical and moral values.
Miguel Angel Gutierrez, Argentina Node Chair, The Millennium Project
We are truly saddened to hear about Ted’s passing away. He has left an enormous legacy to our field that will last forever. His gracious personality has also touched us and so many people worldwide. Our deep condolences to his family and friends.
Sirkka Heinonen, Osmo Kuusi, Juha Kaskinen, Sari Söderlund (Finland Futures Research Centre), and Mikko Dufva (Sitra), Helsinki Node, The Millennium Project
One of my favorite memories of Ted is when I mentioned to him that I so wish I had met him way back then (ed with Olaf Helmer and Goldschmidt in 1967 at the release of their Kaiser Future Game) (I was in grade school at the time, and a neighbor who knew him had given me his book “The Future” a few years earlier so it wasn’t entirely improbable), and he replied, “oh, no you don’t – I was kind of a jerk back then!” To which I replied, “.. and your comment proves you weren’t!”
Paul Saffo, board member, The Millennium Project
It is really sad that Ted has left us. He is a great future scholar, a supporter and mentor in my academic field!Ted will be immortal forever!
Zhouying Jin, China Node Co-Chair, The Millennium Project
I am deeply saddened by the shocking news. I sincerely express my deepest condolences! Wishing you all the best in heaven! Thank you for everything you have done for this world. We will never forget such a great person!
Ying Bai, China Node Co-Chair, The Millennium Project
Dear Elizabeth, Jerry and MP family. My condolences and prayers. With respect, admiration and gratitud to everliving Teds contributions and meaningful life. RIP. Sincerely,
Lydia Garrido, Uruguay Node Chair, The Millennium Project
Thank you for letting us know. He was a futures giant.
Christopher B Jones, PhD Senior Fellow, The Centre for Postnormal Policies and Futures Studies
From my work with him I agree with your description of Ted. He will be greatly missed. My condolences to you.
Bill Cosgrove
That is more than sad… he was one of the futures pioneers and we will always remember him whenever conducting a Delphi survey. Rest in peace.
Kerstin Cuhls, Fraunhofer ISI
Very sad news Jerry. May Ted G’s memory always be for a blessing. Maybe we could set up some kind of college scholarship in his memory?
Ted M. Kahn, CEO and Chief Futurist, DesignWorlds
How Sad. I just emailed him. What a loss. Yes, Ted was a gentle giant. Well said, Jerry.
William E. Halal, Professor, George Washington University and The TechCastProject.com
Feel deeply saddened at the passing of Ted Gordon. He was a through professional with a heart of gold. With prayers for Peace for a great human being.
Mohan Tikku, India Node, The Millennium Project
So sad, we planned together the NATO Science for Peace project. I learned of Ted Gordon as an extraordinary scholar and wise person. This is a great loss for our community. My heartfelt condolences to the family.
Tamar Chachibaia, Georgia Node Chair, The Millennium Project
My condolences! Ted Gordon was an outstanding think tank and method developer in the futures field. Rest in peace!
Eva Hideg, Doctor at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Professor Emerita, Institute of Sustainable Development, Corvinus University of Budapest
Sorry to hear. Very sad news. In addition to futures studies, he worked in various other fields. One example, aerospace. From the MP’s page: “He was also Chief Engineer of the McDonnell Douglas Saturn S-IV space vehicle (he ran a 3,000-person department); director of Advanced Space Stations and Planetary Systems, the advanced design function of the division. He was also in charge of the launch of early ballistic missiles and space vehicles from Cape Canaveral. His career at Douglas spanned a 16-year period, from 1952 to 1968.”. I remember asking him to write his memoirs, last year. Double loss if he didn’t.
Claudio Antonini
Not long after I started working at Swinburne back in 2000, I of course ransacked all the early issues of Futures (hi Ted!) I could get my hands onto in order to get my head into the space of Futures Studies. Luckily, Swinburne had quite a stash. One of the pieces I found — and which strongly influenced my later direction as a researcher — was the article: Gordon, Theodore J. 1971. ‘Future of Futurists’. Futures 3(4):322–23. https://doi.org/10.1016/0016-3287(71)90051-6. In particular, I quote from the second-last paragraph: “The field also needs … theoreticians who are to the methodologists as ‘basic’ scientists are to their ‘applied’ colleagues, searching for the paradigms of the future”. So, yes, a prize commemorating TG’s contributions to the field as an applied futurist, but also a twin prize enacting his view that we also need theoreticians, which was the primary identity I chose to follow, per his observation.
Joseph Voros
I am so sorry to hear that. I remember when I interviewed Ted for my doctoral thesis, it was a real honor for me and I will never forget it.
Manuela Nicosia
RIP Ted. Jerry I remember you introducing me to Ted when I was visiting some years back. Glad to have met him – most warm and impressive.
Paul Wildman
His legacy lives within us all. Blessings for his family at this time. Abrazo,Jan HurwitchFundación Ética Visionaria (FEV)
Jan Hurwitch, Fundación Ética Visionaria (FEV)
Very sad time and my sincere condolences to Ted’s family. Certainly, a visionary futurist and leader who made a giant contribution.
Francisco Dallmeier
Sad to hear about Ted Gordon. Grace and comfort to his family and close friends. I am beneficiary of his futures contributions.
Katindi Sivi, Founder and Executive Director, LongView consult
He will be missed and contributed so very much to futures work for decades. I remember meeting him at WFS meetings years past and his presentations at recent World Future Day 2023 was outstanding. Rest in peace.
John F. Meagher
A sad moment for many of us. Wonderful memories. And hope for the future.
Yvonne Curtis, Futures Thinking Aotearoa, NZ Futures Trust
Besides the Delphi and other methodologies, his participation in RAND and of course in the MP was unforgettable, he was a prospectivist with ethics of the future, morals of the present and transcended from always towards the welfare of his own, these as legacies and image are an example for all. Peace on his way and a hug for all.
Lucio Henao
For those who contributed so much to others, the Latin proverb always remains actual: NON OMNIS MORIAR. My sincere condolences to Ted’s family and to the entire Millennium Project Team.
Czesław Mesjasz, Assoc. prof. dr hab. Czesław Mesjasz, Cracow University of Economics
In this moment of Ted passing away. I express my deep sorrow and offer my sincere condolences to all of you who had the chance to meet or know him, in particular to his family, Jerry, and Elizabeth. We Persians/Iranians are poetry people. For every occasion we have some poems. I thought a couple of lines from late Mis Jaleh Isfahani a contemporary poet is in order: Life is the sole scene of our artistic performance, Every body sings his/her own song and leaves the scene, The scene exists for ever, Hail to that song that people save for remembrance. The great Ted will remain in our memories and that of all, futurists for times to come. God bless him. May he rest in calmness with happy sole.
Mohsen Bahrami, Iran Node Chair, The Millennium Project
May Ted Rest In Peace, and condolences to his family and many friends and colleagues. It was a great honour to have known him. Condolences particularly to you Jerry; I know he was a friend and not just a partner to you.
Geci Karuri Sebina, Southern Africa Node, The Millennium Project
So sad, and such a loss to the world. I remember meeting him and learning with awe that the gentle, humble, smiling man sitting next to me is the Ted Gordon. His memory – and his ideas – will stay with all of us far into the future. Deep condolences to his family, and to all who have known him far better than I did.
Roey Tzezana, Israel Node, The Millennium Project
Respect. May his memory be eternal.
Jake Sotiriadis, Director, The Center for Futures Intelligence, National Intelligence University
For me a truly inspiring figure that I hope will be memorialized in the form of a prize in his name in the field of applied foresight methods.
Timothy E. Dolan
Ted not just built the future but allowed us to live in it. Even more, his techniques and methodologies will help many others, after us, continue with the construction of futures and the consequent strategic planning. His simple presence and his gentle way of talking, his warm smile are stored in my memory. It was easy to approach him and become contagious with his vivace enthusiasm for life. I’m sorry that I’ve met him so rarely, but without a doubt, they left a huge impact on me. They are people and academics like him and yourselves, who with generosity, creativity and constant work will make this world a better world. I send you a big hug.
Veronica Peredo
Polish Society for Futures Studies
What a beautiful tribute Jerry and what sad news.
I fondly remember Ted and the insights he shared during my fellowship with the Millennium Project. Our world was blessed to have him. With condolences.
Betsi Dessauer
I am very very sad to learn of Ted’s passing. Over the 12 years I represented the Foresight Canada Node, he was always an incredibly kind and understanding ‘mentor’, and probably the main reason I stayed as long as I did. Whenever I asked for his advice the response was fair, firm and balanced. And, I never heard him utter an angry word. My condolences to his family.
David Harries
Dear Ted, Now you have preceded us to the absolute knowledge of truth and reality. Yesterday, you were concerned about the future in this world, and now you see what lies beyond the future. Our appointment with you will soon be in the highest paradise with the Truth, the Just, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, our Lord.
Kamal Shaeer, Cairo Node Chair, The Millennium Project
Came out of the Earth, a star that’s in the sky, Ted Gordon.
Julio Millan
Remembering Ted Gordon, 1930-2024. Read the whole tribute.
Futures Strategy Group
Theodore “Ted” J. Gordon. Read the obituary.
Joining you in mourning Ted’s passing… and celebrating his rich life.
Peter J. Kennedy
Just heard the sad news, Jerry. I remember meeting Ted on your invitation to dinner at WFS nearly twenty years ago. A true gentleman and a founding father of foresight. I remember he was ranked fifth for his contributions to foresight among his most eminent peer group in a poll at Shaping Tomorrow around 2012. We stayed in touch over the years and helped each other on numerous occasions. He was last in touch with me a few months ago, still as active as ever. I’m really sad to hear of his passing, particularly as a challenge he set me a decade ago on Trend Impact Analysis has just been cracked. I was about to write to him to share that with him. My condolences to his family and to you on the loss of your dear compadre. He lives on in our minds and hearts and the tremendous foresight work he leaves behind. Best wishes
Mike Jackson, Shaping tomorrow