The Millennium Project Organization


Jerome C. Glenn, Executive Director, Co-Founder, Washington, D.C., USA
Ibon Zugasti, Deputy Director, San Sebastian, Spain
Elizabeth Florescu, Director of Research, The Millennium Project, Romania and Canada
Mara Di Berardo, Communications Director, Bologna/Teramo, Italy
Selin Vural, Corporate Relations, Dubai, UAE
Tad Davis, Chief Technology Officer, Tbilisi, Georgia

72 Node Chairs  around the world

Plus Interns in Washington, DC and Tele-Interns from around the world

Board of Directors

Jerome Glenn, Acting Chairman, CEO, Co-Founder
Concepcion Olavarrieta, Vice-Chair
Elizabeth Florescu, Treasurer
Ibon Zugasti, Member
Paul Saffo, Member

Ex Officio

José Cordeiro, representative of RIBER network
Lena Tünkers, representative of Foresight Europe Network

In Memoriam

Theodore J. Gordon 1930-2024
The Millennium Project Co-Founder
Board Member
Senior Fellow

Charles Perrottet 1944-2025
The Millennium Project Board of Directors
Founder, Futures Strategy Group
Senior Fellow

Senior Associates

Asanga Abeyagoonasekera, Senior Fellow
Bill Halal, Listservs hosting, George Washington University
Łukasz Macander, website assistance
Tom Murphy, Global Health Challenges
Stuart Umpleby, Listservs hosting, George Washington University
Paul Werbos, National Science Foundation (ret.)

Planning Committee

Asanga Abeyagoonasekera, Chair, Sri Lanka Node
Verónica Agreda de Pazos, Bolivian Node Chair, Founder /CEO Instituto de la Mujer y Empresa
Toni Ahlqvist, Professor, Finland node Co-Chair
Rosa Alegria, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Node co-Chair, Brazil
Muhammad Krishan Almheiri, Head of Training Implementation at Dubai International Centre for Forensics, Dubai node co-chair
Syed Isa Syed Alwi, Algaetech Group, Malaysia Node Chair
Ali Ameen Kuwait Oil Company (KOC), Ahmadi, Kuwait, Node Chair
Zoran Aralica, Professor of Economy, Croatian node co-chair
Yassine Ayachi, Tunisia node Co-Chair
Mohsen Bahrami, Professor  at the Amir Kabir University of Technology, Node Chair, Iran
Ying Bai, Director of research at The Future 500 China
Artak Barseghyan, NATO STB Armenian Representative, Engineering Academy of Armenia, Node Chair Armenia
Mariem Ben Hassen, STIP Master student, Tunisia node C0-Chair
Clem Bezold, Chairman, Institute for Alternative Futures, Alexandria VA, USA
Samira Bourgeois Bougrine, France node Co-Chair
Pedro Bretes, Portuguese Army Officer, Portugal Co-Chair
Tony Carbonero, Business Innovation Consultant, El Salvador node co-chair
Héctor Casanueva, Prospective and Strategy Chilean Council (CCPE), Santiago, Node Chair, Chile
Tamar Chachibaia, MD. PhD, Georgian node co-chair
Puruesh Chaudhary, President, AGAHI, Pakistan, Node Chair, Pakistan
Epaminondas Christophilopoulos, PhD, UNESCO Chair on Futures Research, Chief Scientific Advisor, and President MOMUS, Greece Node Chair
Jose Cordeiro, Futurist consultant, Caracas and Madrid, Node Chair, Venezuela
Shermon Cruz, UNESCO Chair on Anticipatory Governance and Regenerative Cities, Philippines Node Chair
Cornelia Daheim, President, Future-Impacts, Cologne/Germany, Node Chair, Germany
Francisco Dallmeier, Biodiversity, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA
Thomas Derideer, Director General, Destree Institute, Brussels-Area Node Chair
Philippe Destatte, Director, The Destree Institute, Namur, Wallonia, Belgium, Brussels-Area Node Chair
Mara Di Berardo, Communications consultant, Node Co-Chair, Italy
Pedro Diegues, IT Bank manager, Portugal Co-Chair
Tihomir Divjak, Satellite Communication Expert, Serbian Node Chair
Visar Dobroshi, Managing Partner at RECURA Financials, Kosovo Chair
Mikko Dufva, Leading specialist, Finland node Co-Chair
Paul Epping, Xponential, Netherland Node Chair
Jelel Ezzine, Pres. Tunisian Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, Technology and Innovation, Node Chair, Tunisia
Karl Friðriksson, CEO of The Icelandic Centre of Future studies
Nadezhda Gaponenko, Russian Institute of Economics, Policy and Law, Moscow, Node Chair, Russia
Talon Garikayi, Dr Eng., University Pro-Vice Chancellor, Zimbabwe node Co-Chair
Lydia Garrido, South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies (SARAS), Montevideo, Node Chair, Uruguay
Blaz Golob, Present GoForeSight and Node Chair, South East European Node,  Ljubljana, Slovenia
John J. Gottsman, Clarity Group, San Francisco, CA, Silicon Valley Node co-Chair
Miguel A. Gutierrez, Globalization, Inter Universities relations, Buenos Aires, Node Chair, Argentina
Aharon Hauptman, Engineeering, Futures Studies, Israel Co-Chair
Sirkka Heinonen, Professor, Finland Futures Research Center, Node Chair, Finland
Hazel Henderson,  CEO, Ethical Markets Media Certified B. Corp. St. Augustine Florida  and Brazil
Iván Hidalgo, economist, Peru node Co-Chair
Andy Hines, Program for the Study of the Future, University of Houston, Clearlake, Texas
Brock Hinzmann, San Francisco, CA, Silicon Valley Node co-Chair
Razvan Hoinaru, Ph.D., Authority of Digitalisation of Romania, Romania Co-Chair
Arnoldo Jose de Hoyos, PUC-SP Sao Paulo Catholic University, Sao Paulo, Node C0-Chair, Brazil
Reyhan Huseynova, Azerbaijan Future Studies Society, Baku, Azerbaijan
Boyan Ivantchev, Associated Professor at the University of National and World Economy, Co-Founder of Bulgarian Neuro-cognitive Lab
Pramod Jaiswal, Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement. Chair, Nepal Node
Zhouying Jin, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Sopft Technology , Beijing, P.R. China
Geci Karuri-Sebina, Specialist, SA Ministry of Finance, Pretoria, South Africa
Juha Kaskinen, Director, Finland node Co-Chair
Anita Kelleher, Designer Futures, Inglewood, WA, Node Chair, Australia
Ivan Klinec, Slovakia Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Node Chair, Slovakia
Norbert Kolos, 4C Future Computing, Warsaw, Poland, Node Chair, Poland
Sævar Kristinsson, Senior Manager, Advisory at KPMG, Iceland Co-Chair
Kamal Zaki Mahmoud Sheer, Director, Egyptian Arab Futures Assoc., Cairo, Egypt Node Chair
Martin Kruse, Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, Chair Denmark Node
Vesna Kuralt. Anthropology and Marketing Specialist, Slovenia node Co-Chair
Osmo Kuusi, Adjunct professor, Finland node Co-Chair
Todd Lubart, France node Co-Chair
Mohamed Amine Majdoub, ICT educator, STIP graduate student, City Councilman and TAASTI member, Tunisia Co-Chair
Stavros Mantzanakis, Partner, Emetris SA, Node Chair, Greece
Beatriz Elena Plata Martinez, Buenos Aires, Node Chair, Argentina
Muhammad Al Mheiri, Dubai Police Authority, Dubai Node Chair
Milan Maric, Director, S&T Montenegro, Podgorica, Node Co-Chair
Francisco José Mojica, Director, Center for Strategic Thinking and Foresight, Colombia Node Chair
Riel Miller, Head of Foresight, UNESCO, Paris, France
Kate McCallum, Pres., c3™ The Center for Conscious Creativity, Los Angeles, California, Arts-Media Node co-Chair
Hind Al Mualla, Head of Innovation, Knowledge and Human Development Authority, Dubai, UAE, Node Chair, Dubai
Arthur Muliro,  Director, East African, Society for International Development, Node Chair, East Africa
Leopold Mureithi, University of Nairobi, Kenya Node Co-Chair
Simbarashe Nhokovedzo, Lecturer, Zimbabwe node Co-Chair
Eric Noel, President, Canada 2030, Canada Node Chair
Kacper Nosarzewski, futurist, 4CF Partner, Poland Co-Chair
Pavel Novacek, Palacky Univ., Olomouc, and Charles Univ. Prague, Czech Republic, and Node Chair, East Europe
Erzsébet Nováky, Professor, Hungary Co-Chair
Concepcion Olavarrieta, Nodo Mexicano. El Proyecto Del Milenio, A.C., Mexico City, Node Chair, Mexico
Fernando Ortega, Peruvian Association of Prospective and Future Studies Lima, Node Chair, Peru
Youngsook Park, Chair, UN Future Forum, and Node Chair, South Korea
Adrian Pop, Professor, Nati. Univ. of Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest, Node Chair, Romania
Mila Popovich, Director General, Directorate for Interculturalism, Government of Montenegro, Montenegro Co-Chair
Stephanie Pride, Professional Futurist, New Zealand Node Chair
Marcelo Ramírez, Co-Founder and director of The Chilean Council of Foresight and Strategy
Edward R. Raupp, PhD (Dr. of economy. Dr. of literature), Georgian node co-chair
Kristian Ravić, Co-founder/Secretary General at Croatian Institute for future studies, Croatian node co-chair
David Rejeski, Environmental Law Institute, Washington, D.C., USA
Saphia Richou, Prospective-Foresight Network, Paris, France
Stanley Rosen, Futurist consultant, Los Angeles, CA
Anna Sacio-Szymańska, Futurist, 4CF Proxy to the Management Board, Poland Co-Chair
Paul Saffo, Futurist, Stanford University, Silicon Valley, CA
Karl Schroeder, Futurist and science fiction author, Toronto, Node co-Chair, Canada
Christian Schoon, German Co-Chair, futurist and consultant at Future Impacts and Prognos AG
Frane Šesnić, CEO, economist, Croatian node co-chair
Yair Sharan, Physics, Futures Studies. Israel Co-Chair
Mihaly Simai, Director, World Institute of Economics, Budapest, Hungary, co-Chair, Hungary
Sari Söderlund, Coordinator, Finland node Co-Chair
Yarima Sosa, Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo, FUNGLODE, Santo Domingo,  Node Chair, Dominican Republic and Co-Chair, the Caribbean
Rohit Talwar, Futurist, UK node Co-Chair
Ufuk Tarhan, Futurist, Istanbul, Node Chair, Turkey
Mohan Tikku, Futurist & Journalist, New Delhi, Node Chair, India
Mariana Todorova, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Node Chair, Bulgaria
Fredy Vargas Lama, PhD in Business Administration
Guillermo Villacorta, El Salvador node co-chair
Carlos Alonso von Marschall Murillo, Prospective Analysis and Public Policy Unit of MIDEPLAN
Selin Vural, Founder & Chief Exponential Officer at Xponential, Dubai node co-chair
Paul Werbos, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA
David Wood, Futurist, UK node Co-Chair
Simone Di Zio, University G. d’Annunzio and Node C0-Chair Italy
Ibon Zugasti – Prospektiker, Instituto Europeo de Prospectiva y Estrategia, Node Chair, Spain

Planning Committee Meetings