Date of launch: 2014
Node Chair: Beatriz Bechara de Borge, Executive Director of the Observatorio del Caribe Colombiano in Cartagena, Colombia
Objectives: The Caribbean Node focuses its work on strengthening the mission of The Millennium Project to connect global and local views, attaching great importance to Education on Foresight and the dissemination of its benefits for the Public and private sector and organizations. The Caribbean Node is part of the Ibero-American Foresight Network (RIBER) and is a founding member of the Colombian Foresight Network.
Recent activities: The Caribbean Node works on prospective issues with professors from various universities, This is how in the year 2021 the Node promoted and coordinated the Seminar on the Future of Caribbean Professions with the participation of the Colombian Foresight Network, the Association of Caribbean Universities and the Colombian Caribbean Universities. Organized Prospecta Caribe 2013