Date of launch: 2003
Institution hosting the Node: Canada Toward 2030 / Canada Vers 2030
Node Co-Chairs:
- Eric Noël, Futurist, economist and financier Initiator, Canada Towards 2030
- Karl Schroeder, Author, Futurists
- Promote and stimulate long-term thinking
- Raise both awareness of and preparedness to long-term challenges
- Create and share relevant contents, resources and events, including the Canadian adaptation and communication of Millennium Project’s initiatives
Recent activities: Some recent activities include the following
- Roundtables of experts
- Study groups
- Publications: e.g. Eric Noël and Institut du Québec published an essay on “Deconsumption”, exploring eight drivers of the trend with economic and policy impacts. In the future, economists, business and government should pay attention to “Purchasing desire”, not just “Purchasing power”, to ‘”Consumer productivity”, not just “Labor productivity”. The pandemic has offered a unique involuntary deconsumption experiment where some people found salvation, savvy introspection and changed behaviors which may alter the future of consumption.
- Advocacy (thematics, policy and business issues)
- Several media interviews:
- In support of MP’s idea and efforts, promoted in Canada the idea of having a dedicated office of existential threats in Ottawa and a similar one at the UN, with a G7 working group.
- Promoted future technologies (new inventions and new domains related to meeting global challenges) to venture capitalists and policy makers.
- Website:
- e-mail: