UN Global Data Governance 2050 Scenarios Workshop – Dubai, Oct. 10, 2022
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 5 October 2022
- data governance, Dubai Future Forum, UN Global Pulse
***Update: registrations are now closed***
Rohit Talwar, Co-Chair of the UK Node, is currently working with the Anticipation Team of the UN Global Pulse Organisation that reports to the Secretary General’s Office. Second step of the UN Global Pulse Data Governance 2050 Scenarios survey, is a workshop on the theme that will be run in Dubai as a pre-activity of the Dubai Future Forum and will have friends from The Millennium Project among the participants.
The workshop, that will take place on October 10, 2022, from 10,00 pm to 12,30 at the Emirates Towers – 1st Floor Auditorium, is hosted by the Dubai Future Foundation (DFF) and it’s facilitated by the United Nations Global Pulse (UNGP) with Tiina Neuvonen and Rohit Talwar.
You are invited to express your interest in participating in this highly interactive Scenario Development and Validation workshop. There will be a maximum of 20 participants, and we are looking to get a diverse and representative range of attendees. Hence, we cannot guarantee that everyone will be offered a place. Those who are not selected for the workshop will have the opportunity to contribute via a subsequent online sensemaking process.
Background Context
United Nations Global Pulse is currently conducting a project to develop scenarios for Global Data Governance in 2050. The scenarios support the UN programming and thematic work on digital public goods to mitigate global risks, identify opportunities, and highlight the costs of inaction for the international community. They will also help support the pursuit of aspirational data futures and the emergence of just global data governance. Additionally, the scenarios will serve as a tool for futures dialogues exploring implications of alternative futures for different stakeholders and geographies.
The first two stages of scenario development included an expert consultation on critical underlying themes and issues, and a global foresight survey on key drivers and uncertainties, generating over 200 responses. These inputs are currently being used to draft the first-generation scenarios. As part of the scenario development process, the UNGP is inviting futurists and future thinkers attending the Dubai Future Forum to help build and validate a set of coherent and divergent scenarios.
If you are interested in taking part, please complete this short application form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdcnG9ChoNZfG15t1EkcFfT550bJ1sSUkAxGh-DhW8ygH35xA/viewform