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  • Publisher: Franz Tamayo University — UNIFRANZ
  • Publishing date: September 2023
  • Language: Spanish
  • ISBN-13: 978-9917-9703-0-9

Latinoamérica 2050. Retos, escenarios y acciones

The Mexico and the Bolivia Nodes of The Millennium Project recently published a new book on “Latin America by 2050. Challenges, Scenarios and Actions“ (Latinoamérica 2050. Retos, escenarios y acciones), launched the publication during the Futures Week event. Coordinators and authors of the book are Concepcion Olavarrieta, Chair of the Mexico Node, Guillermo Gándara and Jorge Máttar, members of the Mexico Node.

25 Latin American futurists, from ten different countries develop, based on the concept of the 15 Global Challenges facing humanity by The Millennium Project and their holistic impact, an in-depth diagnosis of the main threats and opportunities that are currently and will be facing the Latin American region if current trends happen in the field.

The book consists of two parts. In the first, each of the authors and co-authors, after presenting their analysis on trends, present their positive vision to achieve change and formulate their reflections on what could be improved. In the second part, they formulate 3 Scenarios and invite the readers to think about the futures that the region will face. In the last part of this section, the authors and co-authors conclude with basic ideas or criteria for the development of projects and immediate actions to be implemented in terms of public and private policies that will help achieve the best future for the region.

Latin America 2050 is the result of a joint effort of RIBER, regional Node of The Millennium Project, it’s promoted and coordinated by the Mexico Node, and published by the Bolivia Node, chaired by Verónica Agreda (Rector of Universidad UNIFRANZ hosting the Node), with the support of UNDP.

The methodology of this book can be replicated in other regions of the world and for professors is an excellent tool for teaching. This current edition of the book is in Spanish but the authors are currently working on an English edition.

For more information, you can contact our Mexico and Bolivia Nodes.

Available as a downloadable PDF (Spanish only)