1. International Assessment of Future Work/Tech Strategies
2. Insights from Philosophy, History, and STS Scholars with Futurists
3. Organization of American States (OAS) to create Foresight Network
4. The State of the Future 19.1 Getting Excellent Reviews
5. On-line Learning Modules of Millennium Project Content
6. Foresight Europe Network (FEN)and Red Iberoamericana de Prospectiva (RIBER)
7. Mini Trip Reports
8. Governance for the transition from Artificial Narrow to Artificial General Intelligence
9. Millennium Project Interns in Washington, D.C.
10. The Millennium Project Planning Committee to Meet in Bolivia
1. International Assessment of Future Work/Tech Strategies
Too many actions were suggested in the Work/Technology 2050 Global Scenarios and national workshops to assess in one RTDelphi. So, five RTDs will be conducted; one for each: government, business, education, culture, and S&T communities. The results will be made available to all participants and presented at The MP Planning Committee Meeting in Bolivia, October 8-9, 2018. Invitations to participants will be sent in a few days.
2. Insights from Philosophy, History, and STS Scholars with Futurists
The “Grappling with the Futures” conference was organized by Millennium Project Senior Scholar Yashar Saghai at Harvard and Boston Universities 29-30 April. It explored relations among historians, philosophers, and STS (science, technology and society) scholars with futurists and futures research. You can get the schedule and abstracts at https://grapplingwiththefutures.com/detailed-schedule, and videos are being produced by several from Arts/Media Node. Node chairs from Brussels Area, Bulgaria, Pakistan, and Silicon Valley attended, along with Ted Gordon, Jerome Glenn and other participants in MP research. A network is being created to further synergies among these disciplines. If interested, email Yashar at saghaiwork@gmail.com.
3. Organization of American States (OAS) to create Foresight Network
Fernando Ortega, Chair of the Peruvian Node and José Cordeiro, Chair of the Venezuelan Node were instrumental in Jerome Glenn’s briefing for the Inter-American Committee on Science and Technology of the OAS on how to create their regional foresight scanning and collective intelligence system. The committee has agreed to create the OAS Foresight Network. The Millennium Project and RIBER are expected to advise its development. Fernando is the closest to the camera below:
4. The State of the Future 19.1 Getting Excellent Reviews
“Building a work of this magnitude is a stunning achievement, and we should be grateful for this gift at a critical point in social evolution.…the State of the Future report is just what is needed for the world as a whole…It sets a standard the rest of us must strive to reach,” World Futures Review
“…valuable insight and information as stated by global leaders and foresight practitioners…,” Foresight
“The 15 Global Challenges…are a concrete framework that serve as a tool to grasp the future of global change, as well as a clear and detailed roadmap to improve what is to come,” Harvard Future Society
The difference between the State of the Future 19.0 and 19.1 is the addition of 30 pages of infographics (two pages per Global Challenge) provided by Veronica Agreda and Juan Alberto Prósperi of the Bolivian Node. The full text is available at https://millennium-project.org/state-of-the-future-version-19-1/ and Executive Summary can be downloaded at no cost in English (original), Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Portuguese, and Spanish.
5. On-line Learning Modules of Millennium Project Content
Awecademy in Ontario, Canada is creating online learning modules on futures concepts, issues, and methods. The Millennium Project will have shared usage with all these materials developed from MP’s content. The first four modules will be: Emerging Health Issues; Population Growth & Resources; Societal Impact of Science & Technology; and Women Empowerment www.awecademy.org
6. Foresight Europe Network (FEN) and Red Iberoamericana de Prospectiva (RIBER)
Recent Mini Trip reports on visits to Pakistan (7.5 minute documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQBEF3tOjlY), Peru, Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, South Korea, and El Salvador are available at “MP News”.
8. Anticipatory Governance for the transition from Artificial Narrow to Artificial General Intelligence
As the UN International Atomic Energy Agency governs the use of nuclear materials, should, so too, some system regulate the future of artificial intelligence, especially for the transition from artificial narrow to artificial general intelligence? At the 2017 Millennium Project Planning Committee meeting in Mexico, the future of anticipatory governance was discussed as a priority rated by the MP-PC RTDelphi. Subsequently, we decided a practical application could focus on AI, especially as a key element in the previous future work/tech 2050 Global Scenarios. Sponsors for this global assessment are being sought. If interested, email info@millennium-project.org. Sponsors are also sought for the World Future Day annual round-the-word conversation on March 1, 2019.
9. Millennium Project Interns in Washington, D.C.
Interns work on updating the Global Futures Intelligence System https://millennium-project.org/, attend other think tank meetings, and explore their future careers in improving the future. They are Feng Li (William & Mary), Joseph Leonard (Univ of Virginia), Elinor Martinez (Brown Univ.), Jacqueline Malaret (George Washington Univ.), Hayato Katsuki (post-MA work, Japan), Hajar Tazi (A.U. Washington Semester), and Zhouyi Ren (New York Univ.)
10. The Millennium Project Planning Committee to Meet in Bolivia
Next annual MP Planning Committee will be held in Bolivia, October 8-9, followed by a public conference on the 10th and RIBER meeting 11-13. Veronica Agreda, Chair of The Millennium Project Node in Bolivia and Chancellor of the Franz Tamayo University will host the meeting.
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The Millennium Project is a global participatory think tank connecting 63 Nodes around the world that identify long-range challenges and strategies, and initiate and conduct foresight studies, workshops, symposiums, and advanced training. Its mission is to improve thinking about the future and make it available through a variety of media for feedback to accumulate wisdom about the future for better decisions today. It produces the State of the Future reports, the Futures Research Methodology series, the Global Futures Intelligence System (GFIS), and special studies. Over 4,500 futurists, scholars, business planners, and policy makers who work for international organizations, governments, corporations, NGOs, and universities have participated in The Millennium Project’s research, since its inception, in 1992 and founding in 1996. The Millennium Project was selected among the top ten think tanks in the world for new ideas and paradigms by the 2013 and 2014 University of Pennsylvania’s GoTo Think Tank Index, and 2012 Computerworld Honors Laureate for its contributions to collective intelligence systems.