2022 Futurist Year in Review – Report on AAI foresight
- Posted by Mara Di Berardo
- On 5 December 2022
- 2022, foresight, report
The Futurist Year in Review
2022 was a year of new and extended connections for the organizations and members of the global futures community. Highlights reported here are both a review and a preview of the futures ahead.
AAI Foresight, Vol. 8, No. 12, has just published Futurist Community Reports with a review and a preview of the futures ahead. The following report by Jerome C. Glenn lists the some of the main 2022 and ongoing activities by The Millennium Project:
In 2022, The Millennium Project:
- Assessed how five foresight elements of the UN Secretary-General’s Our Common Agenda would improve global foresight and how each should be implemented for the Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General. The assessment is freely available in Chinese, Spanish, and original in English.
- Shared fourth place in the Future of Life Institute competition on the World of 2045 with Artificial General Intelligence. View the video portion of the entry.
- Conducted the ninth annual World Futures Day March 1st as a 24-hour no-agenda round-the-world conversation (recap in World Futures Review, a new global participatory futures method).
- Added new Millennium Project Nodes in Zimbabwe (Harare Institute of Technology) and Denmark (Copenhagen) making a total of 71 Nodes.
- Managed 23 Interns during 2022: China (11), USA (6), South Korea (3), the Netherlands (2), and Zimbabwe (1)
- Signed five-year agreement with the Dubai Future Foundation to develop the Global Future Society and collaborative research.
- Is still working on the next State of the Future 20.0 report, preparing AGI global governance study, and then updating Futures Research Methodology 4.0.
Read the whole AAI Foresight, Vol. 8, No. 12, December 2022, issue.